Chapter 72: A Talk About a New Costume

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I was walking towards the development studio, lost in thought with the updates I was considering for my costume when I bumped into someone.
"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!" I said, coming face to face with Iida. He looked slightly down at me as he said

"Not to worry! Though you should watch where you're going." he waved a robotic arm in my direction. Uraraka popped out behind him, her pink cheeks smiling up at me.

"Hey Y/n! You going to the development studio too?" She asked.

"Yeah! I need to change some stuff around. I want to add more light to my suit so I have more to access, and I've got an idea for a support gl-" I was cut off by a giant explosion that blasted the door to the development studio down. When the smoke cleared we noticed Midoriya laying on his back, and the familiar salmon hair of Hatsume laying on top of him. Uraraka's face twisted in horror as Midoriya realized Hatsume's boobs in his face.

"You almost blew up the entire design studio!" I heard Power Loader through the clearing smoke.

"Hey! When did you get here?" She asked Midoriya, disregarding how awkward of a position they were in.

"Mei! Are you trying to kill him?!" I asked as I stepped forward and pulled her off of my classmate.

"Y/n! It's been a while huh? Sorry about the explosion!" She said quickly, dusting herself off.

"And some other classmates? 1-A right? I forgot all your names already." she added, her scope-like eyes flittering over the others.

"I'm Tenya Iida! The man you tricked into being a walking advertisement during the sports festival!" Iida replied, his robotic-like arm swishing up and down in frustration that she didn't remember him.

"Never heard of ya! Well I'm busy developing new babies so byyyyeee!" She ended her sentence in a singsongy manner, flipping around and walking right back into the studio.

"You know her?" Uraraka asked.

"Yeah, she's my only friend from middle school." I replied.

"Is she always like... that?" Midoriya shuddered as he tried to cover his blush.

I sighed before replying "Yeah... you get used to it. She's an amazing inventor though! She designed my ring!" I held up my hand, the small crystal glowing faintly with some light I still had stored in it. As Hatsume walked away, Midoriya made another fatal mistake.

"Wait a second please! I wanted to ask Mr. Power Loader about improving some elements of my costume?"

"Oh no." I said, and before the other's could ask why, they were bombarded with Hatsume's awkwardly close proximity and suggestions of upgrades. I exchanged a glance with Power Loader as we walked in, shrugging my shoulders as if to say 'she's always been like this'.


After Midoriya's spine had almost been broken and Iida almost got blasted through the ceiling, Hatsume zoomed over to me.

"So! What do you need?"

"Actually I've got some design changes I want to discuss with Mr. Power Loader, but I was wondering if you could maybe redesign my gloves to be able to hold crystals like the ring you made for me! I want to be able to have access to light anytime, so I figured if it was already right on my hand it would be easier to quickly grab!"

"OOOH!!! I've got just the baby for you!" She squealed and dove into her pile of gadgets.

"That oughta give us a little time." I said quietly as I turned to Power Loader, who looked at me in awe. I realized that he was surprised I was able to get Hatsume to listen to more than one sentence in a row and said

"Oh, if you tell her specifics she'll listen all day."

"Noted." Power Loader said incredulously. "Now, what is this about design changes?"

"Right. I want to change my suit to add a new light design on the body and legs. I'd also like the jacket to be black instead of blue, and also have some new light patterns. I want to maximize the amount of light on my costume so I can access enough for my ultimate moves even when there isn't an outside source to pull from. I'd also like to change the boots. These are great for combat, but I've found that I need more spring and less raw kicking power, as I've more often needed to jump off of things to use long distance attacks instead of close range kicks. I'd also like to add a visor that helps correct my vision as I use more and more light, to keep my accuracy and my aim good even when I can't quite see." I told him.

"Wow Y/n! You've really thought this out!" Uraraka called from the corner where Iida was still bent over.

"Yes, but those are quite a lot of changes. It's too much for me to do right now, so I'll have to send out your request to the design company. It should only be about a 3 day turnaround though." Power Loader told me.

"In the meantime I'll get to work on modifying THESE!" Hatsume appeared an inch from my face, holding a pair of half fingered, forearm length gloves with wires coming out of them.

"Thanks Mei!" I smiled, and I heard Midoriya mumble

"Wow she's totally unfazed by how close Hatsume is!"

Mei heard it as well and smiled deviously at me before zooming over to the green haired boy in an obvious attempt to make him more uncomfortable, and I couldn't help but laugh. 

Stone and Light:Kirishima x OC ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt