Chapter 106: The Plan

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"Don't you DARE take my kids."

My mother only responded with a rage filled screech, lunging at him with her knife.

He lashed his capture scarf out, easily wrapping around her wrist and immobilizing her weapon. Unfortunately for him, she was faster than anticipated, and she was close enough to wrench her body around with gymnastic-like flexibility, swinging her left leg in an arc and landing a kick square in my teacher's face.

"Argh!" Aizawa spat, and just for a split second in reaction to her kick, his eyes closed.

My mother took this opportunity to shoot a blast of light right at him, but he dodged, the beam burning a hole in the ground near my feet.

"Get out of here!" I heard my teacher demand of me, and I did my best to scoot away from the fight in front of me.

Aizawa yanked his scarf towards him, spinning my mother off balance, which he used to wrap her arms together.

"If you refuse to get out of my way, Eraserhead, you'll breathe your last breath!" she yelled, shifting all her weight backwards on her feet, pulling Aizawa forwards, the knife she still had in her hand impaling itself in my teacher's flank.

"No!" I screamed.

Aizawa made a pained gurgling noise, but recovered and withdrew quickly, pulling the knife from his side and throwing it away from anyone's reach.

Blasts of light freed my mother from the capture scarf, and she once again jumped towards my teacher, bloodlust the only emotion I could see in her eyes.

I heard footsteps behind me and registered the voices that came with them as my classmates.


"Are you ok?"

"C'mon, lets go!"

It was Todoroki, Kiri, and Bakugou respectively. I felt my boyfriend's hand on my shoulder as they arrived at my side.

Then, something caught my eye. A tiny figure, wings extended, outlined against the moon. It was at that moment a plan sprung into my head.

I can't let her hurt anyone else. I can't let others fight for me, get hurt for me anymore. I know what I've gotta do.

"We've gotta get out of here Y/N! Now!" Kiri told me worriedly, hoisting me up to carry me out of the battle zone.

"No, I've got a plan! Bakugou, Shoto, give me some light, now!" I yelled, steadying my feet on the ground. It hurt like a bitch with the burn on my spine, but I steeled myself because I couldn't just run away. I had to do this. 

They glanced at each other before both activating their quirks, the fire from Todoroki on my left and the crackling explosions in the palm of my blonde friend to my right. I closed my eyes and held out my hands to either side, willing and pulling the light from their quirks to my control.

Then I forced my palms in front of me, yelling a quick "Watch out Aizawa!" as the ball of combined light rocketed towards my villainous mother.

He glanced my way as she lunged again, but her attack never connected with my teacher. Her face slammed against a wall of light that was inches away from Mr. Aizawa's face with a resounding CRACK.

He stepped back a few paces to get a glimpse of the barrier, and I noticed small gasps from Kiri and Shoto as they gazed at my work.

My mother was now trapped inside the very force field that I used as an ultimate move, a small dome of the brightest orange light I'd ever controlled containing her rage filled attacks. I glanced up without lowering my hands as the figure that I knew was Hawks came to land on top of the dome, addressing me first.

"Hey kid, nicely done. Thanks for using the panic button. You can put the force field down now, I can handle Flicker." He smiled nonchalantly, like everything that happened was no big deal. I noticed Aizawa visibly roll his eyes.

I did as he said and red feathers immediately shot to the white haired woman as soon as there was a hole wide enough in the top for them to pass through, pinning her to the ground. Hawks landed with his feet on each side of her shoulders as she struggled against his feathers and hissed at him, a blade feather in his right hand pointed at her chest.

I felt my knees buckle from under me at the realization that she was finally captured, but I never hit the ground. Kiri's strong hands caught me from behind, holding me up and supporting me. I couldn't tell if I was trembling or if he was, but I didn't really care. It was over. I glanced at Todoroki and Bakugou.

"Thank you." I said to both of them "Is everyone alright?"

Todoroki nodded once, and Bakugou crossed his arms.

"Of course they are, I killed those other guys, those extras barely even had to fight." he huffed, and a smile stretched across my face. It was short lived though, because Todoroki's voice asked a question I had been dreading forever.

"Who is that anyway, and why did she want to take you?" 

Stone and Light:Kirishima x OC ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant