Chapter 13: Bus Ride

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A week or so had passed after we did the battle training and elected a class representative, and we were listening to Aizawa as he was telling us about the rescue training we were going to do today.

"Sounds like we're in for a big workout!" Kaminari mentioned as we packed up our bags to head towards the bus.

"Real hero stuff! This is what separates the men from the boys" Kirishima added. "I'm shaking with excitement!"

As we loaded the bus I chose a seat across from the boys, next to Mina and Aoyama. Tsu began talking to Midoriya about his quirk, and the green haired boy seemed unnecessarily nervous talking about it. I guess I'd be pretty nervous to talk about it if I had that kind of backlash on my quirk too I thought as Kirishima chimed in

"Wait hold on Tsu, you're forgetting All Might doesn't hurt himself, that makes a huge difference!" And I saw Midoriya relax a little

"Still I bet it's cool to have a simple augmenting quirk, you can do a lot more stuff with those!" He held up a hand which became jagged and rough in a second.

"My hardening is super strong and stuff but it doesn't look all that impressive" He said with a little bit of a pout on his face.

"No way, I think it looks amazing!" I chimed in

"Yeah you're definitely pro material with a quirk like that!" Midoriya added in

"You really think so?"Kirishima said, his gaze connecting with mine. His put turned into a small smile. Ayoama chimed in about his navel lazer and Mina added that even if you have a flashy quirk, it doesn't do a lot of good if it gives you stomach aches.

"Yeah, just because you have a flashy quirk doesn't automatically make you better." I said, shooting a quick look at Bakugou who snapped to attention It's fun to light his fuze sometimes

"My quirk is pretty flashy but the side effects suck! If I use too much I can't see at all, and if there isn't any light in the area or if I'm in a really dark room, I can't use my quirk since I don't produce my own light." I said, looking at my hands.

Midoriya took this opportunity to start babbling about my costume design and how the lines of light on my suit and jacket compensated for that limitation. I nodded in agreement as Kirishima mentioned Todoroki and Bakugou's quirks. Tsu added that Bakugou was always angry and the bomb exploded. The rest of the bus ride was filled with Bakugou screaming about kicking our asses and Kaminari teasing him about his personality. By the time we all got there we were all chuckling as Bakugou grabbed the railing in front of his seat, being as loud as ever. 

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