Chapter 92: News Articles

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The next day in class, Kaminari burst into the room holding his phone, which was open to a news article.

"Holy crap Kirishima! Take a look at this! Your hero name's all over the news sites today! It's freaking crazy!" He turned his phone around to read the headline.

"Newcomer sidekick Red Riot bursts onto the scene! He rescued innocent civilians and fought a villain on his most recent patrol!"

Kirishima laid back in his seat a little bit, his face showing embarrassment at the attention, like he wasn't quite sure how to handle it.

Mina jumped in "And he's not the only one! Look! New sidekicks are Ryukyu's agency! Two there for a work study! They're cute, they're efficient, but most importantly, they get the job done!"

"Wow, way to go girls!" I mentioned to Uraraka and Tsu, who both seemed kinda embarrassed as well.

Kirishima took his phone out and typed something before I got a ding on my phone.

Sharky: No news articles about you?

I typed a response

Sunshine: No, but Hawks warned me there wouldn't be. Spy work doesn't get street cred right? ;)

He frowned before typing again

Sharky: Well even if there's no coverage of it, I'm proud of you.

I smiled before responding and putting my phone down.

Sunshine: That's all I'll ever need, cutie. <3

I looked over at him and watched as his face turned slightly red at the text.

"Hey man, you ok?" Kaminari asked him, and he put his phone down and stammered

"Y-yeah, totally fine!"

"Oooohhh did Y/n send you something nasty?" Mina teased, and I called out to her

"Hey!" but she just smiled and giggled before Aizawa burst in and started class.

Stone and Light:Kirishima x OC ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now