Chapter 36: You Still Have To Study

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The following morning I woke up to an extremely sore throat. I walked into the bathroom to examine my neck and found deep purple and yellow bruise marks stretching from my jaw to the base of my neck.

Fear began to bubble up inside me as I remembered my mother's hand on my trachea, and I closed my eyes to keep tears from appearing in them as I moved away from the bathroom mirror. I checked my phone for the time.

6am. I better get moving, the study session is at 6:30 and Bakugou would probably beat me more if I was late.

I tried to put the memory of last night out of my mind as I got dressed, opting for a scarf even though it wasn't supposed to be cold out today.

I still need to study, I still have a final I need to pass. I told myself in my head as I walked out the door, dreading the flack I'd get for my outfit choice later on in school.

I pushed the door to the coffee shop open and stepped inside, scanning the tables for the familiar faces of my study partners. My eyes fell on messy scarlet and blonde hair with their backs to me sitting in a corner table, and I felt a little happier knowing I wouldn't have to wait alone for them to arrive. I walked up and put on my best happy face.

"Mornin' boys," I said, and they turned around. Their faces dropped and Bakugou's eyes narrowed at my scarf.

"Morning... are you ok?" Bakugou asked hesitantly. "You look like you got hit by a bus."

"Gee what a way to talk to a lady. What's your guy's coffee orders? I'm buying" I shot back, trying to change the subject. Kirishima stepped towards me and put his hands on my shoulders and I froze without meaning to. He bent down slightly and examined my face, and then moved his hand towards my neck, pushing my scarf down with his right index finger. His and Bakugou's eyes widened in shock upon the sight of my throat.

"Who did this to you?" Bakugou asked in a stern voice, his eyes lighting up with rage.

"What happened?" Kirishima asked softly, reaching his finger to graze my neck. I stepped back before he could touch me, and said

"Well... it's a long story... but..." and suddenly I couldn't stop the tears from welling up in my eyes. I brought my hands to my face to hide my sobs as I sat down at the table, both boys crouched beside me.

"Hey, it's ok now. You don't have to share if you don't want to." Kirishima said gently.

"Like hell she doesn't have to share, I need to find out what happened so I can kill whoever did this to her!" Bakugou snapped back.

"It... it was my mother" I managed between sobs.

"Your mother?! I thought she was missing!" Kirishima asked, and Bakugou looked at him like he was insane.

"HAAH?? Missing? Someone better fill me in right now or I swear to FUCK-"

"Bakugou would you shut up for once?!" I cut him off, a little too loudly and turned some heads. I quieted back down and took a deep breath, but Kirishima started talking before I could. He slowly filled Bakugou in on my mother leaving my father and I and joining a group of villains. It took a while, but I filled both of them in on the events of last night as well. When I finished, both of the boys sat there in silence, taking it all in.

Kirishima was the first one to speak.

"...Y/n I'm so sorry that happened to you."

Stone and Light:Kirishima x OC ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now