Chapter 20: A small break

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After Recovery Girl checked in on me, she let me go home, and as I walked through my neighborhood, I couldn't help but long to run my hands through his hair again.

We got a small break after the USJ incident, only a day, but it was enough time to get some much needed rest and see Hatsume again.

"You held hands with a BOYYYY???" She asked quizzically, an air of excitement in her voice.

"Kinda... I woke up and he was holding my hand... I didn't really choose to" I chuckled

"Whatever it still counts" She said. "What's he like? Tell me everything!"

"Well, he's very chivalrous, and kind. He actually protected me from some thugs when we got attacked at the USJ... He seems really outgoing and fun! He even made friends with that really angry guy in our class I was telling you about."

"Sounds like a great dude! I can't wait to meet him" she smiled evilly.

"Hey wait a minute, don't give me that look! You're going to embarrass me in front of him aren't you?!" I said laughing, tossing one of my pillows at her. She caught it with ease and responded

"Well I'm sure gonna try!" and with that, she whipped the pillow right into my cheek. We had a bit of a pillow fight and ended up on the floor giggling before my dad knocked on the door telling us it was time for dinner.

The next day it was back to school, and as I walked into class, I could feel the excitement in the air over the recent events. Students were talking about the fight we witnessed and how amazing All Might was in the battle.

Hagakure was also a little bummed nobody noticed her on the news, and the rest of us laughed a little and kinda looked at each other. She knows she's invisible right?

Iida burst through the door, mentioning that class was about to start, and we all turned our attention to the front of the class, wondering who our teacher would be for the time being, because Aizawa was still in the hospital recovering from his injuries.

Then, around walked the corner was none other than the man himself, wrapped in so many bandages he looked like a mummy!

We were all stunned. You're kidding me right? There's no way he's ok to teach class right now! You can't even see his eyes!

Aizawa walked to his podium and looked at us sternly.

"The UA Sports festival is about to start" he said. 

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