Chapter 19: Holding Hands

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Kirishima's POV

I was turning the corner when I heard Recovery Girl say

"I'll check on you in a little while." I caught up to her as she closed the door.

"Excuse me ma'am, is that Y/n's room?" I asked, looking down to the tiny woman in front of me.

"Yes, but she's likely already asleep young man," she responded "You may go in for a quick visit but don't interrupt her rest"

"Thank you, I promise I won't" I replied and quietly opened the door.

She looked so peaceful sleeping in the hospital bed, her raspberry hair wildly strewn about the pillow. I sat next to her bed in one of the chairs and looked at her for a second before whispering.

"Nicely done out there, you were amazing."

She didn't respond other than a slight moan in her sleep, and I smiled at the thought of how relaxed she looked. My hand instinctively took hers, which was surprisingly cold.

I'm so proud of you... wait, why am I holding her hand? I barely know this girl I thought as I put my other had over hers to warm it up. Suddenly a wave of tiredness hit me.

Must be the adrenaline wearing off. I thought as I closed my eyes. I put my head on the edge of the bed.

I don't know why, but I don't want to leave... I want to stay here... with her... were the last things i remember as sleep claimed my thoughts.


back to Y/N's POV

I awoke to a hand holding mine. I sat up on the pillows and looked down to see Kirishima asleep on the side of the bed, his hand cradling mine. I smiled and gently reached out my other hand, resting it on his head.

His hair is surprisingly soft, I thought as my fingers sank into his scarlet locks.

"Shit, why do I like you so much..." I whispered.

Wait, what am I doing? I barely know the guy! I shouldn't have my hands on his head! I quickly removed my hand as he started to stir. His crimson eyes slowly blinked open and found mine, and I smiled gently.

"Good morning, sleepy head" I chuckled. He suddenly shot upright

"Uh-hi! I didn't mean to fall asleep, sorry, did I wake you?"

"Nope, that was all me" I responded. 

He looked down and seemed to realize he was still holding my hand because he yanked his away like I was a hot pan. A twinge of sadness struck me when he did. I really wished he had kept holding my hand.

"Oh, ok, well, I'm glad you're feeling better. I- I should probably get going" he stammered, moving quickly towards the door.

"Wait I-" I said, but he was gone before I could get anymore out.

"...want you to stay..." I trailed off to myself.

Stone and Light:Kirishima x OC ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now