Chapter 59: Doctors

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I didn't get any time to respond to the information that Bakugou was missing because two doctors walked into the room right as Kirishima said that sentence. They stopped in their tracks for a second at the realization I was awake, like this was somehow surprising information.

Todoroki and Kirishima were ushered out of the room so that the doctors could change my bandages and discuss my treatment. I felt the warmth leave my hand as Kirishima let go but he looked at me reassuringly as he left, which made it a little better.

"You sustained three broken ribs and a punctured lung during the attack, as well as an impalement on your right thigh resulting in some serious muscle damage. Recovery Girl has done some surgery on it already, but she wanted to let your body get a little rest before she did any more. She has asked that you do not walk on the leg until she returns tomorrow evening for another round." The doctor told me, gesturing to the wheelchair that was already sitting next to my hospital bed.

I heard the door open behind the doctor and peered around him to see my father entering the room. He looked at me with relief when he saw I was awake, rushing to my bedside and wrapping his arms around my shoulders.

"You're up! I came by yesterday but Recovery Girl said you were still unconscious. How are you feeling?" he asked, almost too fast for me to process.

"Umm... fine I guess." I replied. The truth was, I didn't really know how I was feeling. There was so much going on: Bakugou was missing, Midoriya was still having seizures, Momo was recovering from head trauma, Jiro and Hagakure were still out. Not to mention that villains managed to find our camp, whose location was only supposed to be known by the teachers and pro heroes that were there. I had been attacked 3 times now, in the span of the same amount of months. It was a lot to process, and I was honestly feeling a little overwhelmed, a feeling which only intensified as a nurse removed the bandages on my leg.

I gazed down to the scar that had formed on my mid-thigh, pale, mottled skin the size of a baseball and in the shape of a mangled star stretching over my leg. My fingers moved down to trace a specific ridge that ran from the scar towards my knee.

"That Awase kid saved your life. He used his quirk to stop the bleeding and seal your injury closed temporarily. Without him, you probably would have bled out in that forest." one of the doctors said.

Awase? He saved me? He and Momo must've turned back and came looking for me. I thought.

"Hey, it's alright. There's no need to cry." My dad said before I realized tears were streaming down my face.

I could have died in that forest... What was I thinking?!

A wave of a hundred different indescribable emotions hit me, and I grasped my father's arms tightly, my tears turning into sobs as I thanked the heavens I was alive. 

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