Chapter 94: Static

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After another hour of radio white noise, some garbled static started coming through the speaker. I sat up in the chair, fiddling with the listening equipment before I realized it was one of the devices we had planted that was the problem. I wasn't sure if it had fallen off of its place, or been stepped on or something, but the transmission was coming in terribly.

I was wondering why the equipment had focused in on the busted device when I heard a voice through the static.


It's hard to tell through the noise, but that sounds like the angry one from earlier... Dabi?

Then another few words broke through the garbled static.

"....High end.....well.....-evelopment....-ear completion"

"Thank, doc....test...-ut soon."

After that broken sentence I couldn't hear any more, the static had gotten louder.

Just then, my phone dinged.

Hawks: Back with food, on roof. Where are you?

I typed back

Y/n: On my way up.


I opened the door to the roof to find Hawks and Tokoyami sitting in a corner eating. Hawks had a literal bucket of chicken next to him, and was halfway through a drumstick while Tokoyami was eating noodles out of a Ramen cup, but somehow he still seemed dignified as he maneuvered his chopsticks to the side of his beak.

I walked over and sat down, glad to be out of that stuffy sound room. I grabbed a piece of fried chicken from Hawks' bucket before he whisked it away from me, holding it protectively in his arms like one would hold a baby.

"Hey now, no stealing, we got you some too." he whined, and I noticed a little takeout box on the ground. I opened it to more fried chicken and looked up at Hawks.

"I should clarify, Hawks got you food, I had no say in the matter, although I told him you'd prefer something else." Tokoyami defended himself, his eyes glaring daggers in Hawks' direction at the last sentence.

I rolled my eyes and munched on the piece of chicken I had stolen.

"It's fine, you're just gonna wear me out if all you feed me is chicken. I won't like it anymore." I pointed my piece at Hawks accusingly. His face contorted into one of shock and offense.

"How dare you say that to chicken." He defended as he gripped his bucket tighter. I chuckled and took another bite before saying

"Anyway, you'll never guess what I just heard"

Hawks raised an eyebrow as he chewed, signalling me to continue.

"I got to listen to an entire conversation the LOV was having." I said tauntingly. Hawks almost choked on his drumstick before saying

"An entire conversation? Damn, you guys must've really hid those things in good spots."

"Not only that," I continued, "I heard another bit of a conversation about an hour later about something called 'High End' and testing soon. The device must've been busted though because the static was interrupting the whole thing."

Hawks stopped chewing at the mention of High End, his eyes telling me he knew what I was talking about. I decided to pry

"Something you know about?" I asked, and Tokoyami's attention also turned on Hawks, who swallowed before mumbling

"I can't tell you guys about it... I better set up a meeting with Bacon Bits...."

"Bacon Bits?" Tokoyami asked, confusion pricking his words.

Hawks groaned and sighed before responding

"Unfortunate nickname I've been calling him... But that's all I can tell you about that too. This was good info, I want to listen to the recording when we're done."

"You got it." I said, digging back into my box of chicken.

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