Kirishima's Birthday Special!

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Author's Note: Happy Birthday to our favorite shark-toothed red head! I hope you guys like this, I've had this in my head for a while. --E

It was only a week before Eijiro's birthday, and I wanted to make it extra special for him considering how hard he's been working and everything that has been going on the last few months.

I sent a text to a group chat, which included Kaminari, Bakugou, Mina, and Sero

Y/n: Hey guys, you know Kirishima's birthday is this friday right?

Mina responded immediately.

Mina: Totally! You got a plan in mind?

Kaminari: Yeah, whatcha thinking?

I typed out what I was thinking

Y/n: Well, I know we're all busy planning the festival performance, but I was thinking maybe we could make a little barbeque on the roof for him! Like a surprise party?

Sero: That sounds great! Bakugou could cook!

Bakugou: Why do I have to do the cooking?!

Mina: Please, we all know you're basically a gourmet chef. Come on Bakugou! It's for Kiri!

Bakugou's typing dots popped up and disappeared for a minute before popping back up

Bakugou: Fine

Kaminari: That's the spirit Bakugou!

Y/n: I'm happy to help set everything up as well! But we'd need to distract him somehow.

Mina: Girl, you know that that's all you. We'll take care of the setup, just make sure he doesn't catch on!

Y/n: Uh, ok!

Kaminari: So what about presents?

Mina: We should get him some dope new clothes!

Bakugou: Are you stupid? He's not gonna appreciate those as much.

Sero: As much as what, Bakugou?


I contemplated for a second, thinking about all the things we could get for Ei. Suddenly, a light bulb lit up in my brain.

Y/n: Guys! A new punching bag!

Kaminari: That's a great idea!

Mina: I'm all in!

Sero: Me too, but aren't those expensive? At least the nice ones?

Y/n: Don't worry, I'll shop around for the right one, but are you guys willing to pitch in a little cash each for it?

Mina: You bet!

Kaminari: I don't have a lot of cash, but sure!

Bakugou: Fine, just don't get him a shitty one.

Sero: Yep!

With a plan in motion and a present idea ready to go, I discreetly asked the rest of the class if they'd want to pitch in on the gift and join the party. Sato was ecstatic at the idea and said he'd be happy to bake a cake, Midoriya and Momo both offered to help set things up as well.

When the day finally came, I knocked on Kirishima's door.

"Good morning! Happy birthday baby!" I said cheerfully, hugging him as he opened the door. He laughed and pulled me into the embrace.

Stone and Light:Kirishima x OC ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя