Chapter 49: Curry

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At the end of the day I could barely see, my vision was tunneled and what was visible was pretty blurry. We all dragged ourselves to an outdoor set of tables as Pixie-Bob reminded us that they weren't serving our meals anymore.

"If you guys wanna eat, you'll have to make your own meals! Starting with curry!!!" Ragdoll's shrill voice echoed through the clearing. I groaned as we walked to the tables with masses of red and orange on them.

Vegetables? I thought, not totally sure what I was looking at. I heard a voice next to me.

"Do you want to do the chopping?" it was Uraraka. I smiled defeatedly.

"Not unless you like blood in your curry... I can't even see what I'm chopping, much less where. I'd probably end up chopping my hand as well as the carrots!" I forced a laugh, making sure she knew I was being a bit sarcastic. Her hands came to mine and gently guided me to a bar-like area.

"No worries! How about you be in charge of stirring?" she said, placing a ladle in my right hand.

"Now THAT I can do!" I smiled to my right, unsure if she was still even there.

"Here, let me get that lit for you." I heard Todoroki approach from my left. I turned towards him and said

"Oh, thanks, but you'll probably have to move me out of the way. I don't even know what I'm standing in front of." I chuckled. His hands landed on my shoulders and pushed back a little, and I followed the direction with a step backwards. He held me there for a second as if telling me not to move before I registered a fire being lit near the ground in front of me.

"You can step forward one pace now." I heard Todoroki tell me, and I did so.

"Thanks, I appreciate it." I said facing forwards. I couldn't see him at all. It was like I had horse blinders on and in the middle was a dime-sized sphere of mist. I aimed that mist at about a foot above the fire and brought my ladle to it. It bonked against a piece of metal with a CLONK, and I felt a hand grab my arm and lift it slightly to readjust my aim.

"Oh- thanks again." I said, trying to brush off the awkwardness of my blunder.

"Of course." Todoroki's voice replied flatly. "Will you be ok to handle this?" He asked.

"Now that I'm set up, I think I've got it covered." I smiled.


An hour or so later, it was done! Uraraka helped me sit down at one of the tables outside and brought me a bowl, placing the spoon in one hand and guiding my other to hold the bowl.

"Th-thanks," I smiled sheepishly. "I'm sorry you have to help me like this." I resented the fact that my peers had to help me despite having worked so hard already training their own quirks. I couldn't help but feel like a burden a little. 

"Not at all! I'd hate to have to fumble around to eat and be super frustrated after we worked so hard today, so it's no trouble!" she replied, and I could hear her smiling.

My horse blinders had retreated to my peripherals and the dime-sized field of vision had already expanded a little, now about the size of a quarter, which surprised me.

Wow, it never comes back this fast. The amplification training must've really paid off.

I heard some people plop down next to me as I began eating.

"Hey guys." I said, testing the waters to try to figure out who sat next to me.

"Hey Y/n!" it was Jiro.

"How was training?" that sounded like Kaminari.

"Hard! I'm blind as a bat right now. I'm glad I know your voices!" I smiled as I shoveled another spoonful into my mouth, trying to push my feelings of uselessness out of my mind.

This curry really sucks but I'm way too hungry to care right now.

"Wow, do you think you'll be ok to do it again tomorrow?" Another voice said across from me.

Sero I think?

"Well it's already getting better a lot faster than it used to, so I sure hope so! Otherwise I'm gonna need a lot of help finding out where to go." I joked at the end as I heard spoons klink into bowls. I didn't want them to worry about me, and making a joke was the best way I could think to keep the mood light as we ate. 

We chatted about the training as we stuffed our faces, and I couldn't help but feel at home, even far away from where I lived.

These are the first people who've really helped me with my quirk's downside instead of making fun of me or tripping me or letting me wander aimlessly. I thought, feeling a swelling sense of joy and pride that I had finally made friends here. Real friends...

"Hey, whoa, are you ok?" Sero asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked back, confused.

"You're crying. Is something wrong?" I heard Momo's voice diagonally to my left. It was at that moment I realized tears were streaming down my cheeks.

"Oh- I didn't even realize. Yeah I'm actually great." I said, wiping my tears with my forearm. "I'm just really grateful for you all." I smiled and continued. " You guys are all so sweet and accepting and helpful. It's just so different from every school I've been to before and it just makes me so happy to call you my friends."

"Wait, you mean people didn't want to be your friends because you couldn't see?" I heard Kaminari ask to my right.

"Well... not really, no. It's a lot of work, helping a blind girl. Whenever I overused my quirk, I was kinda useless, so it was really easy to play tricks on me or trip me." I responded.

"Seriously?! That's so not cool." Jiro's voice said next to me.

"Yeah and are you kidding? It's not a lot of work to help you! We're just doing what we would hope someone would do for us if we were in your situation!" I heard Kirishima's voice across from me, and my heart soared at the realization he was here too.

Everyone around me agreed and I couldn't help but feel the tears come back as I smiled and said

"Thank you, guys. Really!" and I meant it with all my heart.

They don't see me as a burden at all do they...

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