A LONGGG Overdue Apology

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A Long overdue apology
Author: hi everyone. As I'm writing this ive had a few drinks so please frvie any misspellings. Its been... goodness knows, years? I told myself i would never make one of those fics that would say its still
in the works and never update it but here i am, im so so sorry. Ummm m updates about me: I met a wonderful person, we are now in a committed and loving partnership (we call each other husband and wife though legally we are not).  We also recently moved to the south bay area in CA so if youre in the area please comment! Anyways, I'm really curious if you guys would like me to continue this story line, or if you are ok with me continuing something else. I've been in love with Katsuki(Bakugou) and Keigo (Hawks) for literally since theyve been introduced, so I'd love to write some stuff with those characters, but Kiri is a labor of love for me. I also know those who have read this story simp for kiri and I don't want to let yall down. I'm looking for a job AND am studying for another degree online, but I truly do want to write more for you guys. Whether that be MHA, Demon slayer, or that Volleyball anime i Cant remember the name of right now haha! PLease give me comments and feedback, im begging.
All the best
Author (AKA: Nyx)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2023 ⏰

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