Chapter 89: Another Hospital?

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The wind slapped my cheeks as we gained altitude, the stinging cold biting at my skin. I glanced up at my mentor and boss, who kept his eyes fixed ahead of us. We weren't flying that fast, but it was still freezing as we glided over the city.

"I g-get why you wear the jacket." I stammered, my teeth chattering. His golden eyes flicked down to me for a second before snapping back up to his task.

"Yeah, it gets wicked cold, especially when I go faster!"

"And the v-visor and the headphones t-too."

"Well kinda! Yeah they help with the cold, but the visor is more because of the high wind speeds and the headphones are so I don't pop an eardrum with the g-force of pulling up real fast if I need to. Gotta be able to hear and see to fly ya know!" he seemed cheery to be talking about flight. It was obvious he loved it.

I looked over the city lights, squinting with the wind shear as we wooshed past a large building.

"It's s-so pretty up here."

He smiled. "Yeah it is. Even better when you get above the clouds! The stars are killer up there too."

I looked up, past Hawks' face, past his wings, into the clouds above, trying to glimpse the stars as we flew. The clouds blocked them out mostly, but every now and then there was a break in them and I caught a glimpse of the cosmos above us.

"I'm surprised you're not scared. I don't usually take people flying, but nine times out of ten they're terrified of heights and are screaming most of the time." he chuckled.

"I dunno, I've always l-liked heights actually. S-Something about...getting away from it all." I stammered as I noticed the big red plus sign that signified the hospital. We descended and Hawks said

"Alright put your feet out flat and pretend like you're walking!"

I did so, and I couldn't help but feel silly as my legs did a sort of bicycle movement in the air.

I probably look ridiculous right now....

We touched down and my feet hit the pavement walking, just as Hawks had instructed. He let go of my arms and caught up to walk beside me.

"You're a natural Kid! Too bad you can't fly yourself." I smiled at his assessment of my bicycle movements as we walked past the automatic doors of the hospital.


After Hawks checked me in, the nurse led us to the Hero Triage Unit. It looked like an emergency room, one big hallway-like room filled with two rows of neatly made beds facing each other, separated by curtains on metal tracks attached to the ceiling. There were a couple heroes getting bandaged up, others had IV's, and nurses and doctors buzzed around like worker bees. The nurse led us over to a bed who's curtain was open and gestured for me to sit down. I did so, swinging my legs up on top of the sheets as she hooked me up to a blood pressure cuff.

"Let's take a look at your head first, hm?" she asked.

"Ok. I don't think I got too banged up, I mean, I'm not bleeding, am I?" I asked as she bent my head down to examine the back of it. Her fingers pushed my hair aside to look for cuts, and once she was satisfied, she bent my head back up.

"Nope, no bleeding! Now what about your ribs..." She said as she began to check over the rest of my body for injuries. Suddenly the curtain to the left of me flew back.



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