Chapter 1: The Morning of the Entrance Exam

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*deet deet deet deet*

I groaned and rolled over to smack my alarm clock, my hand landing with a hard SMACK on my nightstand

"Son of a bitch" I muttered as I readjusted and hit my target this time, turning off the robotic beeping. I rolled back over only to hear my father's voice from downstairs

"Y/n! Get your ass out of bed! The entrance exam is today!"

My eyes snapped open and I sat up, suddenly more awake than I had ever been.

That's right! It's today! I thought to myself as I got up and made my way to the bathroom. I quickly showered and got dressed, opting for some slightly more athletic clothing than I would normally choose. I pulled my hair into a ponytail and gave myself a little pep talk in my mind as I looked in the mirror before I left.

You can do this. You've wanted to be a hero ever since that accident where you got saved from a villain who trapped you on that bridge. UA high is the best option for becoming a hero, so you have to make it in!

I gave both cheeks a quick slap and ran downstairs, where my father was waiting in the kitchen.

"Eat up hon, I know it's going to be a hard test!" he said over his shoulder as he finished with the eggs which he quickly slid onto a plate and handed to me.

"Thanks dad" I tossed back at him as I wolfed them down and grabbed my bag. I sauntered over to the front door and slid my sneakers on.

"Bye! I'll tell you how it went tonight!" I yelled over my shoulder on my way out the door. 

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