Chapter 35: Break In

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My eyes snapped awake to the sound of glass shattering in the living room.

I leapt out of bed and threw open my bedroom door. Running to the upstairs balcony I rubbed my eyes to see a hooded figure backing out our front window, another one laying on the ground, dull moans escaping him.

My feet flew down the stairs when I realized the one moaning on the ground was my father. I rushed to his now quiet side and asked

"Dad are you ok?" No response.

"Dad? DAD?!" I asked louder, shaking him gently.

"Oh relax, he'll be fine as long as the cops come within the next few minutes." a feminine voice said behind me. I whipped around to see the hooded figure standing in the windowsill like a comic book villain. She stepped gingerly down into the room and I crouched over my father protectively.

"Don't come any closer." I said shakily.

"Oh, darling, don't you remember the voice of your own mother?" the hooded figure asked, pulling her hood down. My breath caught. I felt a tight knot of fear creep into my stomach as my mother's face came into focus, bathed in the light of the moon.

Her hair was white, curls flowing in the slight breeze over her shoulders, her eyes that same piercing white that I remember, although there was no kindness left in them. Her slender face was arranged in a calm, neutral expression, but her cold eyes were locked on me. She stepped closer as I stood up and took a step back, her figure looming over me. She stepped within an inch of my face, and I dared not breathe as she lifted a hand up to my face.

"My how you've grown... such a shame you're going to a school that will surely poison that young brain... you could always join me you know..." her voice was like venom running through my veins, and I flinched as she grabbed my hair.

"WHAT is this?" she sneered at my hair. I opened my mouth but nothing escaped.

"You always were such a disappointment, darling... don't you know it's impolite not to answer your MOTHER?!" she said as her hand flew from my hand to my throat, tightening her grasp and lifting upwards. My feet almost left the ground as I gasped for air, struggling to pull her off of me.

BANG BANG BANG!!! Shots fired through the window from outside. The hand that had been crushing my windpipe suddenly dropped me.

"Too bad... Ta ta" she whispered in my ear, followed by a blinding light that lasted for a good 5 seconds. I heard shouts as the light faded and I finally breathed in. Coughing, I crawled over to my father as agents from the public safety commission as well as a couple cops entered in through the window and the front door, guns drawn.

"Miss, are you alright? Let us check your father..." Their voices echoed in my ears as I stepped out of the way so the paramedics could do their work. One of them led me to the kitchen while my living room was rushed with agents and police officers.

"Can you breathe alright? Did Flicker inject you with anything?"

"N-No, I don't think so." I choked out hoarsely.

The rest of the night was a blur as agents questioned me. It turns out my father was injected with a poison that knocks people unconscious as well as immobilizes them for a short period, and some documents were missing from his desk in his office, which was torn to shreds. When the police finally left, my father had been given an antidote and he and I were sitting on the couch, hours of interrogation about every single detail that happened leaving us silent as we sat next to one another.

I felt my father's hand touch mine and that was the final shatter in my wall of bravery. Tears poured out of me as a hoarse scream escaped my mouth, sobs quickly following. My father moved closer and put his arms around me, and he held me, gently rocking, until I cried myself to sleep.

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