Chapter 2: Train Ride

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The air was cold and sweet as I briskly walked down my neighborhood street to the train station. As I walked up the steps to the platform, a familiar voice called out to me


I whipped around to see my only friend from middle school, Mei Hatsume. Her pink dreadlocks bobbed up and down as she ran towards me, and I noticed she was chasing something.

Oh boy, another one of her babies got away I thought to myself as I put a hand out to catch the small disc that was about to fly straight past me.

"Hastume! What are you doing bringing one of your inventions with you? Aren't we taking the same test?" I asked as I caught the disc, which made me take a step back in surprise when it kept fighting my hand.

"Well silly, I want to be able to show 'em what I can do!" She responded as she caught up to me, swiping the disc from my hand. She held it out in front of her like she was presenting me with a trophy.

"This baby is what's gonna get me into the support course, I just know it!" She said just loud enough for everyone on the platform to look our way. I chuckled to myself as she started babbling about it's abilities, stats, and how she tinkered with it to get it just right.

As the train arrived and we stepped on, I couldn't help but think back to how we met.

It was way back when we were just starting middle school, and I had moved from about 2 hours away with my dad, so I didn't know anyone there. I was trying to make friends in the cafeteria when some big bully came up and knocked my lunch out of my hands.

'I hear you moved here because you couldn't defend yourself or your daddy from a small time villain' she spat at me as I crouched down to pick up what I could of my lunch.

'I bet you just cried and cried, what with your dumb quirk you probably only made it harder for the hero to save you, you worthless little insect' she sneered as she stepped on my hand, crunching it into the floor. I tried to pull my hand free but that only made her step on it harder.

"I didn't get in the way, you don't know what you're talking about" I whispered towards the ground, tears welling up in my eyes.

'What's that? The insect dares to talk back? Come on little firefly you don't have the strength to even get up you-' she was cut off by a metallic THUNK and all the sudden she was on the ground crying. I looked up only to see those locked on golden eyes an inch from my own face, and I gasped a little and scooted back in reaction to her being so close so fast.

"Whoops! Sorry about that! This baby has a mind of its own!" she yelled as a small device flashed around behind her, zig zagging in every direction and causing people to run and duck out of the way. Without another word she took my hand and yanked me out of the lunchroom. She gave me half of her sandwich and we had been friends ever since. 

Stone and Light:Kirishima x OC ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя