Chapter 78: How Hard Are They Gonna Go on Us?

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I stood up and called out to the 2nd year, telling her I'd help protect the first aid area.

Shindo sprinted ahead of us and yelled to Deku to get everyone to safety and as far away from the villains as possible. He put two hands on the ground and it started shaking, but Gang Orca was on him in a second, knocking Shindo out with a head butt.

"A single rear guard to hold us back? You've underestimated me!" he said.

I rushed to Shindo and began dragging his paralyzed body out of the way as Gang Orca lumbered closer, but an ice wall rushed up and caught him off guard.

"Todoroki!" Deku and I yelled in recognition of our classmate who had saved us. Tokoyami, Ojiro, and Mina also ran towards us, offering to help evacuate the victims.

I lifted Shindo onto my back and called out

"Everyone! Evacuate away from the villains! There's a makeshift shelter on the other side of the grounds! Those with quirks that can be used to carry, carefully move the red and yellow codes! Others can assist green codes in evacuating! We need to move as fast as possible but there's no need to panic!"

We evacuated away from the battle as wind and ice whipped around Gang Orca.

Suddenly we heard Todoroki and Inasa yelling at each other, and Deku turned around, handing me the boy he was helping and dashing back toward the other two. He jumped in and saved another bystander as Todoroki's flames barely missed the victim.

"What are you two doing?!" He screamed at them. I turned to the boy and said

"Hey! Can you walk?" He nodded, his weird man-baby face twisted in fake fear. I said

"Ok, stick close to me and we'll walk together to join the rest of the group alright?" We kept running as other villains started chasing us. I heard Shindo grumble on my back

"Put me down, I'll take care of this" I glanced up at him

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. I'm good." I nodded and set him down. His palms hit the dirt and tremors wracked the villains, the ground cracking apart as he crouched down, sweat dripping from his temple.

Deku ran up to us, avoiding the shaking earth as Shindo called out to him

"I've tripped up the henchmen! You make sure they're out of the game! We'll split up and get the remaining injured to the shelter!"

They've got this I thought to myself.

I turned and grabbed the man-boys hand, continuing our evacuation. I dropped the boy off at the makeshift shelter and sprinted back toward the villains that were now gathered around a fire tornado made by Todoroki and Yawarashi. Ojiro came to flank me and we nodded in determination as we jumped into the fray.


I lassoed henchman after henchman into Ojiro's tail, my classmate slamming them into the ground as we made our way to midoriya.

"The injured have all been evacuated! And reinforcements should be here any minute now!" Ojiro told the green haired boy as we approached. I threw a shield in front of Ojiro as a glob of cement flew towards his tail, the blonde nodding to me in thanks before leaping over it to take the guy out.

Just as Deku leapt in to save Todoroki and Yawarashi, the buzzer sounded, signifying the exam was over and the last of the victims had been rescued from the distasteful zone.

Mera's voice came over the speakers

"It may seem anticlimactic, but with this, the official licensing exam has been completed! After we tally the scores, we'll announce the results here in the arena, anyone injured should go to the infirmary. The rest of you are free to change clothes and wait wherever you'd like." 

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