Chapter 15: Savior part 1

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I yelped as the shadows dropped me in a dim room. I heard other thumps and looked around. There were windows to one side and crumbling walls around us. To my left I noticed the familiar ash blonde and red hair of Bakugou and Kirishima, both grunting with the force of their fall onto the hard floor. I managed to get to my feet as thugs surrounded us. My hands were shaking but I inhaled sharply to make it stop, taking a battle stance as I did.

"Guys, we've got company!" I yelled as the boys got to their feet. I caught a creepy smile from Bakugou and the familiar jaggedness of Kirishima activating his hardening before the thugs were on us.

Explosions rattled the building as Bakugou's quirk ramped up to full speed. I pulled some light from my suit and made a sword, parrying the slash of a lizard man as he lunged at me. I dug in my back foot and pushed with all my might, toppling him over. He bashed into another thug with tentacles and they both landed in a pile of tangles on the ground. I used the butt of my sword to bash them over the head to knock them out as another explosion shattered a window behind me. 

I could get used to the sword form! I thought, easily slicing through more foes.

As I whipped around to take on another one of the thugs, I was shoved off balance and pain ripped through my back. A scream escaped my lips before I even hit the ground. I tried to get up from my knees but a slash seemed to come out of nowhere, slicing my forehead this time. My vision suddenly stained red as I pulled some more light from my suit and lashed out at my attacker.

I can't see him, does he have an invisibility quirk? I thought, starting to panic. Another slash came from behind me, cutting into my left shoulder. I screamed again and fell backwards, my vision stained red and the pain leaping to a new level.

Then I heard a clang and looked up to see a blade strike the jagged arm of Kirishima, who was standing protectively over me. He grabbed the blade that didn't seem to have an owner and wrenched it upwards, revealing a thug who seemed to appear from thin air.

"Bakugou! Catch!" he yelled and pivoted on one foot, throwing the thug through the air. The guy's face connected with Bakugou's hand, and an explosion rattled the room before I saw the thug's body go limp.

Damn, they already have such good teamwork.

Kirishima looked down at me for a second, concern showing in those deep red eyes before another villain lunged at him. He held his arms up in an X to block and quickly dispatched the thug as another explosion shook the building.

"I think that's all of them" I heard Bakugou say. Kirishima bent down to help me up. I winced in pain as I moved the shoulder that has been sliced open. I wiped my eyes and brought my hand down to see blood staining one of my gloves.

"How bad is it? Can you still see?" Kirishima asked me, examining my head wound.

"You mean because of my quirk or the gash in my forehead?" I responded jokingly.

"I can see ok, just gotta get the blood out of my eyes. Thanks for the save" I said.

He smiled a little as I reassured him I was ok, but the concern never left his eyes.

"Well your arm doesn't seem too bad, what about your back? That guy kicked you pretty hard."

"I think I'll be alright" I responded, putting another hand on my back where I could feel a bruise forming.

"Alright, let's hurry and find the rest of our class" Kirishima said to Bakugou "If we're still here, everyone else probably is too. And not all of them have the offensive skills we do, we gotta make sure they're safe."

"You wanna track everyone down have fun" Bakugou retorted "But I'm gonna go destroy that warpy bastard" he snarled.

"Your physical attacks didn't even hurt that guy, and you wanna try again?" I asked

"Shut up! He's their way in and out! If I take him down they'll all be stuck here and they'll have to answer for what they did!" Bakugou yelled at me. "And if all the villains are small fries like these guys were then our classmates can handle 'em" he said looking away from us.

I locked eyes with Kirishima again and said

"Was that Bakugou's way of saying he believes in our classmates?" and audibly heard Bakugou growl. Kirishima said

"I think so! By the way Bakugou, since when do you act all calm and rational?"

"I'm always calm and rational you red haired loser!!!"

"Yeah, there you are!" Kirishima responded and a giggle escaped my lips.

"Go find the others if you want to, I'm outta here" Bakugou retorted, turning towards the door.

"Hold up!" I said as I tried to jog after him, and Kirishima followed suit. 

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