Chapter 14: USJ

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We unloaded the bus and were greeted by the space hero, 13, and she was explaining about the facility and natural disaster areas as we looked around. I noticed All Might wasn't around and it seemed that the other students noticed too. Oh well, he must be busy with some pro hero work I thought as 13 explained

"Today, you're going to learn how to use your quirks to save people's lives. You won't be using your powers to attack enemies or each other, only to help. After all, that's what being a hero is all about!"

Aizawa was about to give us instructions on which zones we were to go to when the lights flickered and a big pool of purple and black shadows appeared near a fountain in the center of the facility. I could feel my hair stand on end as our teacher looked in that direction and his expression changed from boredom to a mix of fear and determination.

"Stay together and don't move." he said sharply as a man with hands all over his face and arms walked out of the shadows, followed by dozens of thugs.

"Wait I thought we were rescuing people, has it started already?" Kirishima asked

"Stay back!" Aizawa shouted, putting his goggles on.

"This is real, those are villains" he said and we all gasped as we saw a giant man with dark blue skin and an exposed brain step out of the purple shadows to stand next to the man with the hands.

My hands started shaking as I realized we were the ones in danger. My feet felt glued in place as I flashed back to the bridge when I was a kid. I felt a hand on my shoulder and snapped out of it to look over at Kirishima. He looked at me with reassurance in his crimson eyes and whispered

"Hey, are you ok? You're shaking."

"Y-yeah" I responded, but was cut off as the villains approached the staircase. Todoroki started speculating why they were here and how they got in and why the alarms went off. Kaminari was instructed to try to contact the school, and Aizawa jumped into action to fight the group of villains. As we watched him kick ass, I felt a little better. Our teacher is such a badass I thought.

Everyone started running for the exit as a pool of purple shadows blocked our path.

"There is no escape for you" a deep, ominous voice said from the shadows.

"We are the League of Villains" he began as I felt my shaking hands get worse. Kirishima and Bakugou both jumped into action for a punch, and an explosion created a cloud of smoke around us.

"You live up to your school's reputation, but you should be more careful children, otherwise someone might get hurt. I'll scatter you across this facility, to meet me comrades and your death!" and before I could blink the purple smoke was enveloping us. 

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