Chapter 50: Breakthrough

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The alarm went off at 5:30 again, and I opened my eyes and sat up from my sleeping bag.

"Morning girls." I said as Tsu and Momo sat up next to me. I looked around as Uraraka and Jiro were yawning and getting up.

"Hey where's Mina?" I asked.

"She's at extra lessons, apparently they're meeting even earlier than we are for training." Tsu said.

Momo's brow suddenly furrowed with surprise as she put her hands down on the ground, shifting her body weight onto her hands and knees and leaning towards my face a little.

"Wait a minute, Y/n! Can you see?!"

"Holy crap, I can!!" I yelled, astonished at how fast my eyesight had repaired itself.

"I guess all that training really paid off!" Jiro called out from the other side of the room.

Yeah I guess so, I thought as I slapped my hair up in a ponytail and got dressed. And today's the day I 'm going to figure out those new offense and defense moves!


"No matter what you're doing, just remember where you started from." I heard Aizawa's voice ring through the clearing as I worked on my new moves.

Where I started from... Why I'm here...

I grunted in frustration as my light dissipated, the lamp I was working with flickering at my feet.

"Ugh, I'm not getting ANYWHERE!" I growled and looked around at my classmates.

Kirishima, Mina, Sero, Sato and Kaminari were all standing in a line next to Aizawa. Uraraka was trading places with Aoyama at the porta potty, Shoji was looking for Hagakure, and Midoriya was doing this weird punching-and-kicking-at-the-same-time movement next to the big, scary, male Pussycat. 

My eyes were drawn towards Bakugou's explosions as he bellowed and let one loose over his head before plunging his hands back into the boiling water, a dome of blasts and smoke billowing up into the sky.

Then it clicked

"A dome! I've got to shape it like a dome! Not a bubble!"

I put my arms out and willed some light from the lamp into my palm, then amplified it and began to make it larger, stretching it out above me and imagining a dome of light sitting on top of me. A pale orange veil of light surrounded me as I imagined it like a force field.

"Nicely done." I heard Aizawa from behind me. I turned around in my force field, my hands still level with my shoulders and pointed outwards, as if holding the dome up.

"But how does it hold up? Kirishima!" He continued.

"Yes, Sir?" Kiri walked up next to him.

"Hit her force field with all you've got." Aizawa said, his eyes not leaving mine as I gulped.

I don't think it will hold for that!

I watched Kirishima's right arm became jagged and sharp as he ran at my force field. I braced myself as his fist came slamming into it with a thunderous CLAP.

We both stood there in shock as the force field stayed put.
"Whoa, it didn't even crack?!" he said incredulously.

"Holy crap, this thing is awesome!" I yelled from inside my dome. That sadistic smile crept back onto Aizawa's face as he said

"Good, now Hikari, I'm going to need your help with the remedial class."

Stone and Light:Kirishima x OC ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now