Chapter 104: This is Where it All Goes to Shit

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The amount of people who sprung from the elevator shocked me. Unsurprisingly, Midoriya and Bakugou were the first to exit, the blonde quickly taking in the situation and rushing in my direction, while Midoriya rushed to Todoroki's side to aid in that battle. Tokoyami, Uraraka, and Aizawa were the next people I recognized, but I didn't really see where they went, because my eyes locked with the only pair of eyes I really wanted to be here. The crimson orbs that belonged to my boyfriend.

He ran towards me, catching up with Bakugou. I felt a little warm trickle down my throat as the blade pressed ever harder on it, pain searing right below my larynx. Light shot from my right as I felt the pressure from the back of my neck release, singing my ear and rocketing towards the boys that were rushing to my rescue. The redhead and the blonde both jumped to the side to dodge, and I heard my teacher's voice sharp and clean above the crashes of the battle.

"Bakugou, Kirishima, out of the way!" It was a command, one the boys obeyed like cadets, making way for Aizawa to see my attacker. His eyes glowed red as my mother shot another beam of light from her palm, which was quickly stopped. She hissed in frustration and backed further, and I registered that we were near the window that was at the end of the hall.

"Let her go Flicker!" my teacher barked as he rushed forwards, his scarf shooting in front of him to wrap my mother's arm. She dodged, jumping backwards, and I heard the shattering of glass behind us before the breath was sucked from my lungs as we plummeted downwards.

She landed on the ground with a thud, my body crashing into the dirt next to her. I tried to scramble up and run, only to be singed once again by a blast of light.

We must be out of Mr. Aizawa's range of vision. Shit.

"You're coming with me. This ridiculous dream of yours to be a hero is holding you back, poisoning your brain. But I can fix that. We can liberate you." Her voice was dripping with venom from above me.

I flipped over from my stomach onto my back, propping myself up on my elbows to get a better view of my situation. Up in the distance, I saw the blur of my teacher jump out of the already broken window, a silken string following him. I didn't see any other students yet though, and for a second, my mind raced, thinking about that Cocoon guy and the other one and what they might have done to them.

"Get your ass up. We're going." my mother commanded, her white eyes wild as she gestured to the forest just beyond the dorms with the knife still in her hand. I wanted to fight her, I wanted to tell her no, I wanted to run. But then a little voice in my head said

If you go with her, maybe the others will be alright. You're not worth it anyways.

And then, as if ignoring every instinct I had to resist my mother, my body obeyed her order. I stood and began walking towards the forest, her knife at my back, poking my spine, urging me forwards faster. 

Stone and Light:Kirishima x OC ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now