Chapter 47: Cafeteria

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Stumbling out of the trees at sunset, half blind, I sighed with relief as I noticed the outline of a building, signalling that we had finally made it to the facility.

Thank goodness, I think if I had to fight another one I'd go blind and pass out! I thought as I squinted in the direction of my classmates.

"You said it would only take 3 hours!" Someone said towards the red blob we were walking towards. We fell to our knees in the clearing as the red blob said

"I guess we timed it based on how long it'd take us, sorry!"

"I'm starving, this is hell!" I heard Kirishima yell from my left.

The blue and blonde blob walked towards us and meowed excitedly, telling us we did a great job before fawning all over the blobs of what I'm pretty sure was Bakugou, Midoriya, Todoroki and... Iida? I couldn't quite tell.

"Enough playing around, get your stuff from the bus. Once your bags are in your rooms, we'll have dinner in the cafeteria. Tomorrow your training starts in earnest." Aizawa's voice said, his black and grey shadow bobbing towards the facility.


I gripped the table to steady myself as I bumped into it, trying not to spill my bowl of rice as I slumped down next to the blurry mass of pink I knew was Mina. Across the table I heard the voices of Jiro, Kaminari, and Kirishima, and on my other side sat the ash blond figure of Bakugou.

I started to shovel food into my mouth without saying a word.

I feel like an empty pit! And this is so good!

"Damn, slow down, you're gonna run us all out of rice at this point" Kaminari laughed

I looked over and squinted at his yellow-blonde blur and swallowed before I stuck my tongue out.

"I may not be able to see, but even I know there's a mountain of food that they made for us tonight" I sarcastically laughed back, gesturing to the plates of chicken, gyoza, curry and soup that were strewn throughout the table.

"Wait you can't see? Are you ok?" Mina asked

"Yeah, it's just a side effect of using my quirk too much. It should be back to normal by tomorrow." I responded.

"Man, that would suck if you were still blind during training!" Kaminari said as he started waving a hand in front of my face. I was about to say that I could see him doing that when Bakugou slammed Kaminari's hand down on the table, pinning it there for a second.

"She's not totally blind dunce face! How stupid can you get?!"

I laughed and turned towards Bakugou "Nope, but you all are so blurry I might as well be!"

I lifted my bowl and could tell by the weight it was empty, so I began to stand up to go get more and Kirishima said

"Here I can refill it for you"

I smiled his direction and said

"You sure you don't wanna watch a half blind chick stumbling around the cafeteria? Not gonna lie, I think that would be pretty funny" Jiro and Kaminari snickered at the thought of watching me feel around like a kid in the dark.

"Now what kind of man would I be if I let that happen?" Kirishima responded, but it was obvious he was holding back a chuckle. He got up and went to get me more food and I heard Mina's voice lean closer to me

"Ooh he liiiiikkes youuuuuu" she said quietly.

"Shut up!" I laughed, waving a hand to smack her playfully, but I swung too hard and my arm accidentally came around the table, hitting Bakugou's shoulder. He roared about how he was gonna kick my ass and we all burst out laughing as I apologized.  

Stone and Light:Kirishima x OC ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now