Chapter 101: The Festival

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Before we knew it, the festival was just one night away. I went outside after we finished going through our final run throughs as a class. I wanted to practice my light show one or two more times before going to bed, just to make sure it was perfect. I had managed to store some different colored light in the gloves from my suit during our practices for just this purpose, so I pulled pink, yellow, red, and blue light from each crystal on my gloves. I had figured out that if I held my hands in a puppet master-like position and imagined a bunch of fireflies floating around, I could send out many little golf ball sized balls of light, which I could will to slowly flicker if I chose. I held my hands out in the darkness of the clearing and willed the pools of light to separate, creating little bubbles of light that lit up the dark. I was focusing on slowly strobing them when I heard some voices behind me.

"WOW! Y/n, this is amazing!" Mina squealed.

"You really worked on this didn't you?" Kaminari said as he poked one of the pink lights, sending it floating back towards me.

Kirishima, Bakugou, Sero, and Todoroki were also there, gazing in awe at the fairy-like scene before them. My boyfriend flashed me a toothy grin of approval.

"Nicely done." Todoroki said softly, and Sero chimed in

"Yeah! This is going to look awesome with Aoyama's laser and Momo's confetti!"

The group walked through the lights that scattered through the clearing, Mina and Kaminari flitting through them like children, clearly enjoying the show. I stood there smiling, keeping my hands up. I moved a finger an inch to the left, which brought a blue light to gently bonk into Bakugou's hair. The blonde growled and let out a roar about kicking my ass, which elicited a laugh from the whole group. I moved some more lights to interact with my friends, chasing Kaminari and flitting around Mina's line of vision, and gently booping Todoroki on the nose with a red light.

"HA! He looks like Rudolph!" Sero proclaimed, and we all laughed as Todoroki went cross eyed trying to look at his own nose.

"It looks beautiful babe." Kirishima told me, placing his hand around my waist. "Ready for some dinner? We were all on our way to the kitchen for Bakugou to cook something." he beamed at me, the lights making his smile that much more intoxicating.

I smiled softly and agreed, and we began walking back to the dorms, but I kept the light show up until we were bathed in the lights of the dorms.


The performance went perfectly! Jiro and the band totally rocked the show, the dance crew was amazing, and Todoroki's ice catwalk was perfect for getting above the audience. I stayed near the light screen and sent out new colors of lights each time it changed colors from behind the band.

After the performance was over, we went to the beauty pageant and from there we split up as a class to go see the different things the student's put on for the festival. Bakugou was pretty adamant about the obstacle course, Uraraka had mentioned crepes, and Kaminari, Mina, and Mineta all wanted to go see the Haunted maze. I wasn't much of a horror movie watcher or a fan of being scared, so I tagged along with Bakugou, Kirishima, Momo, Ojiro, and Shoji to the obstacle course. I stood next to Momo and cheered the blonde and red duo as they raced each other over walls and ducking under spinning arms in the course.

"You want to give it a try?" She asked me.

"Oh, no, I'm alright! I'm a little tired after our performance, I'm much more interested in some food!" I chuckled.

"Yes, a snack does sound delicious right now! Would you like to go see what's available with me?" She offered as Bakugou hit the buzzer at the end and Kirishima groaned, challenging him to go again.

Stone and Light:Kirishima x OC ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now