Chapter 108 (Part 2)

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The next day we went back to school, and I had just walked into the mess hall when I was confronted with a blizzard of white and red. His hand grabbed my arm and firmly guided me to a table, where he sat opposite of me.

"Um- hi- is everything ok?" I asked, not sure what was going on.

"Here, I got you some soba." he responded, pushing a tray of his favorite food towards me.

"Uh-thanks. Shoto, what's up?" I asked, concerned. He was acting weird. I caught a glimpse of Mina, Sero, Denki and Kiri coming into the hall and raised a hand to wave them over, but it was caught by the boy sitting opposite of me.

"Wait- before you wave them over," he said intensely, and I redirected my attention to his heterochromic eyes.

"I just wanted to say... if you ever need someone to talk to about having a crap parent... I'm here." he said, shifting uncomfortably in his seat.

My eyes widened when I realized what he meant.

He's trying to comfort me. I thought, my gaze flashing to his scar. He wants to let me know he's been through something similar and that he's here if I need to talk to someone who gets it, aww.

"I- thanks Shoto," I said softly. "I'll remember that."

He just barely smiled before standing from his spot, announcing to my friend group as well as Iida and Midoriya where we were sitting.


That evening, after a study date with Kiri, I decided to take him up on his offer, and I walked down the hall to his dorm. I knocked on the door, and was promptly greeted a few moments later.

The mats of his room squished softly under my feet when he invited me in, and I took a seat on the floor next to his traditional japanese table.

"Is this about what I said earlier?" he questioned, sitting across from me.

"...yeah. I wanted to know.... Do you ever remember a time when your dad wasn't an asshole?" I asked awkwardly, not really knowing how to ease into the conversation.

"... no, he's always been that way. I think even my siblings would say the same. Even my brother, Touya, I don't think he ever saw a good side to my old man... He had the fire quirk too, and my father had been training him for the same reason before I developed my powers. What about you?"

I thought it over for a minute before answering.

"There was one time. I remember walking into the kitchen and seeing her and my dad dancing with each other... except she was crying.. And so was my dad... she- she left us soon after that."

Todoroki wasted no time in asking what I had been asking myself.

"Do you think that might have been the night she told him she was leaving?"

I fixed my eyes on the table, willing the tears away from them.

"I- don't know." I choked out. Then, suddenly, awkwardly, I felt a hand on the top of my head. I shifted slightly to see the dual colored haired boy patting me gently from across the table, an attempt to comfort me.

He made eye contact with me and quickly withdrew his hand with a quick

"Sorry. I'm not very good at comforting people... but that was done once for me, and I.. thought it felt nice."

I smiled and replied

"Thanks Shoto. It helped a lot. See?" I pointed at my grin and his lips turned upwards slightly in response.

"So, you wanna tell me more about your siblings?" I changed the subject to something a little lighter, and with that, he actually started telling me about his brothers and sisters and the good times he did remember having with them, going to his brother's funeral, the story of how he got his scar. I, in turn, told him about my dad and I moving from house to house, meeting Mei, and other memories I had.

He opened up to me a little more that day, and it felt so good to make Todoroki more of my friend.

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