A question for you guys

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Hey guys

I was feeling a little burnt out on this story, and along with the whole depression thing, I took a bit of a break. But I was wondering what, if anything, you guys would like to read next? Would you like to read an original arc? Would you like me to go into the manga story a bit? I know not everyone reads the manga, so I don't want to spoil things if you don't want that. Perhaps just some holiday fluff? Special dates? Time skip? Please comment and let me know! I'm open to a lot of stuff, and don't be afraid to go in depth about it! 

P.S.      A huge thank you to everyone who has read this far and voted on chapters and commented on things! I absolutely love reading your comments, sometimes they are so funny I can't help but giggle, and you guys make my day. I'm astounded that people actually wanted to read my story and most of you have liked it. I know I'll probably never be able to make this into a career but it's so cool that my little story has had this many reads so far. :)

Can't wait to hear from you! 


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