Chapter 73: New Costume

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Three days later I gazed down at the box with my new costume in it, ready to see how it looked and worked for my purposes as we trained again today.

After putting it on, I walked out of the locker room admiring my new gloves. They were white, half fingered and fit snuggly up to my forearms, with bands of black along the edges. A circular shaped, moonstone colored crystal the size of a quarter sat just below my knuckles, and another diamond shaped stone of the same color sat flatly on my wrist.

These are going to be great for storing light and working on those light knuckles Ragdoll suggested at the training camp.

"Whoa, you look amazing!" I heard my boyfriend's voice from in front of me, and I looked up to see my handsome hero had updated his costume a little as well, black sleeves now protruding from his shoulder pads.

"Whoa yourself! I love the sleeves!" I said, trying to deflect the compliment as I felt my face get hot.

"Yeah I wanted to add 'em on so I wouldn't cut people if I had to carry 'em." he smiled and flexed his arms. His muscles showed prominently even through the sleeves, and they made me want to drool at the sight of them.

"But you," his voice snapped me out of my staring as he stepped closer "You updated a lot!"

"Yeah, well, it's because I didn't really know what I wanted when we first made them, and I had a lot of ideas as we trained." I could feel how red my face was as he got closer, his face now only an inch from mine. He leaned to the side and I could feel his breath on my ear as he whispered

"I'm glad you kept the bodysuit, babe."

My whole face was on fire as I punched him in the shoulder and stuttered

"H-hey! Y-you can't j-just s-say something like th-that!"

"Oh come on! I'm just teasing you a little." He kissed my cheek and brought his face back in front of mine, a big grin spreading across his lips as he regarded how red I was.

"You're so cute when you're blushing." he said quietly, still smiling. His eyes had something more in them than his usual happy manner, for a split second I could have sworn they were the eyes of a predator about to devour its prey.

I opened my mouth to protest, but before I could say anything, his lips brushed against mine quickly, the kiss stopping me in my tracks. He grabbed my hand and led me towards the gym, his cheery demeanor returning as he said

"Come on! Let's go kick some ultimate move ass today!"

I shook my head to clear the blush away, but the memory of that predacious glint in his eyes never left my thoughts. 

Stone and Light:Kirishima x OC ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now