Chapter 82: Study Session (another fun little filler)

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Author's note: This is another cute filler that has little to do with the plot! I just wanted to add a little blurb about Y/n making friends and being in school because I plan on skipping some of the school parts and focusing more on the hero work as we go along! I promise I'll get back to the plot soon, I just had a few head cannons at once for fillers!



After class I heard Kirishima, Mina, Sato and Kaminari talking about how hard our English lessons were, and I offered to help them with grammar.

"How about we all have a study session in the common area at 7?" I asked

"That sounds great! I really need the help!" Mina said.

"Yeah! I'll bring snacks." Sato suggested, and I smiled in thanks.

7pm ticked closer as I set up some books and things, pulling tables together in the common area.

"Need help with that?" I heard Uraraka's voice behind me as I struggled awkwardly with one of the low tables.

"If you don't mind." I said with an apologetic smile as I turned towards her. She helped me set up the table the way I had imagined it and asked

"Whatcha setting up for?"

"Oh, I offered to host a bit of a study session for Kaminari, Mina, Sato and Kirishima. They mentioned they were struggling with the english lesson from earlier, and that's one subject I happen to be pretty good at actually." I responded.

"Wow that's great! I'm not too great at English myself, there's so many rules and grammar exceptions and things. Math is easy for me though! It's always straight forward." She replied, giving me a thumbs up.

"Well you and anyone else are welcome to join us! And hey, maybe you can help me with my math homework, I always struggle with quadratic functions."

Uraraka agreed and went on her merry way and before I knew it, it was 7pm and my classmates started trickling into the common area, books in hand.


It had been 2 hours of studying and going over 'your and you're, their, there, and they're, as well as contractions, prepositions, and participles. I glanced up from reading aloud about prepositions and I could tell the others were fried.

Mina looked like smoke was going to come out of her ears any second, Kaminari was giving me a thousand yard stare with his dunce face, Sato's brow was furrowed in confusion over his textbook, and Kirishima was scratching his temple with the back of his pencil.

"How do you remember all of this?" Kaminari asked, shaking out of his daze.

"It's just easier for me," I replied. "But what do you guys say we quit for the night and do something a bit more fun?"

Mina shot up at that question, suddenly full of energy.

"OOH! I have an idea!"

"Shoot." I gave her the floor.

She rummaged through her book bag before producing a black box with white writing on it

Cards Against Humanity

I rolled my eyes and said "oh boy!" as Kaminari and Kirishima lit up. Sero was walking past us and stopped when his eyes landed on the box. He waltzed over and asked

"Yo, are we playing CAH?"

"You bet your ass we are!" Mina squealed as she opened the box and began shuffling the cards. I helped move the books and things out of the way as Sero sent out a text to the class from his phone

Hanta Sero: CAH in the common room if anyone wants to join!

Everyones' phone dinged a few more times as some of our classmates responded

Kyoka Jiro: Ochako and I will be down in 2 minutes!

Momo Yaoyorozu: I'll join as well!

Shoto Todoroki: What is CAH?


Izuku Midoriya: I'll be right there!


10 minutes later, we had gotten past the extremely awkward part of how to determine who was the first to go, Kaminari finally admitted it was he who had pooped last. Mina and Jiro could barely hold it together while the rest of us stifled our laughter as Kaminari picked out the first black card

"What is Batman's guilty pleasure?" he read aloud, and we all flipped through our white cards, a pile of them slowly stacking up next to Kaminari's black one as we put them face down. Once we confirmed everyone had put a card in the ring, Kaminari shuffled them around before reading them

"Ok, what is Batman's guilty pleasure? Soup that is too hot, Niel Diamond's greatest hits, whining like a little bitch, emotions, altar boys, all you can eat shrimp for $4.99, a homoerotic volleyball montage..." his laughter started to interrupt his reading but he stopped at the last 3.

"Oh god, these are too good!" he managed between laughs,

"My collection of high-tech sex toys...a bleached asshole.... And dead parents!" the room burst out laughing except for Todoroki, who sat next to me calmly and said

"I wish"

This only caused the raucous laughter to explode more, I couldn't breathe, tears were at the corners of my eyes, I was laughing so hard.

"Alright alright! I'm gonna have to go with a bleached asshole. Claim your card!" Kaminari said, still giggling. Mina's hand shot forward and snatched it out of Kaminari's hand.

"Thank you very much!" she said matter-of-factly, and we all burst out laughing again.

"Ok! My turn!" She said as she drew another black card from the deck.

Author's note: I'm ending it here for now but let me know if you want more of CAH! As well as who you think put out each card! ;)

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