A Little Holiday Fluff

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A/N: Hey guys! One of you asked for some holiday fluff and I've got some more coming that's more like a date between Y/N and Kiri but I couldn't get this outta my head! I also wanted to keep it to 'holidays' and not one specific one, because even though I celebrate Christmas, I know not everyone does! If you'd like a little Christmas special though, I would be happy to oblige. :)

Also, I may have to take a break again as the holidays are coming (and also writer's block is a real bitch for this story), so I'm sorry if I don't post as often for a little while, but I promise it will get finished! 


Snow was falling outside when I heard footsteps rumble outside of my door, followed by a harsh knock

"Y/N! It's a snow day!!! C'mon we're going sledding!!"

It was Kaminari through the door. I flung it open, excited to see them.

"Get your coat and mittens cutie!" My boyfriend said, and I quickly grabbed just those items and sprinted in my socks after the boys.

We were joined by most of class 1-A in the lobby, minus Tsu, Sato, and Momo.

"Hey, where are the others?" I asked after our missing classmates as I pulled on my snow boots.

"Tsu goes into hibernation in the cold." Shoji responded.

"And Sato wanted to practice baking today, so he said he'd make some holiday snacks for the class! And when Momo heard that, she started bouncing about a movie night and walked off before we could tell her to wait till tonight for the actual movie stuff." Mina laughed.

"Oh gotcha." I chuckled back before asking " hey, speaking of sledding, where are we going to get sleds?"

Kaminari and Hagakure almost tumbled to the front of the group with excitement.

"We found a bunch in a shed on the east side of campus!" Hagakure squealed.

"C'mon let's gooooo!" Kaminari said, grabbing my and Mina's hands and dragging us out the door.


"HA! Beat you again Deku!" Bakugou roared triumphantly. The boys had convinced Todoroki to create jumps out of ice down the hill and were all now competing to see who could get the most points for air time, height, and jump style.

"You only beat him because you used your quirk Kacchan!" Kaminari retorted, only to get his collar grabbed by the blonde.

"Is that a challenge, dunce face?" He sneered, and Kaminari gulped before Bakugou let go and stalked up the hill with his black sled (the only one we found of said color in the shed).

"Also Iida beat you in speed!" Mina called after the blonde, who whipped around just in time to get a big snowball right to the face.

We all looked to Kaminari, who shrugged and said "Hey it wasn't me!"

"Sorry Bakugou! I was aiming for your back! Bad timing I guess!" Kiri yelled from my left, and we whipped around to see the redhead standing next to a pile of snowballs.

"Oh, you're gonna get it now shitty hair!" Bakugou yelled, but I couldn't help but notice the smile on his face as he charged his friend.

We all leapt into the battle now, snowballs flying every which way. I managed to score a hit right between Kiri's shoulder blades, to which he turned around and a volley of snowballs came flying my way.

"Hey! Don't ignore me shitty hair! I'm not done killing you!" Bakugou's head screeched from his place encapsulated in Todoroki's ice like a little Katsuki volcano.

"Sure sure Bakugou, right after you get outta there!" Kiri yelled over his shoulder, barely containing his laughter. This only made the blonde's eyes go white and the roars intensify.

Some time later we were all completely covered in snow and freezing cold water, and Iida told us that we should all head back so we don't catch colds.

Inside the Heights Alliance building was so warm, and it smelled like cookies and cocoa.

We all changed into dry pajamas and reconvened in the common area, which had changed completely. Red bows and lights adorned the walls, a large TV was set up with the couches all facing it, complete with the biggest and most extravagant pillow fort I had ever seen in my entire life.

Momo's head popped out of one side of it.

"Hi everyone! We have cocoa and sweets in the fort, and we're watching movies!"

"Don't have to tell me twice!" Hagakure said, her slippers happily bouncing towards the castle of pillows and sheets.

"This is lame, I'm going to sleep." Bakugou said, but Kiri and I blocked his exit.

"C'mon, it's not very manly to ditch out on cocoa! Especially after Sato and Momo went through so much trouble putting this insane fort together!" Kiri said to him.

"You'll enjoy it before you know it!" I added, giving Kiri a glance before we both smiled and locked our arms around Bakugou's on each side, pulling him backwards into the fort.

"Yeah, here!" Mina shoved a cup of cocoa into his hands before he could turn on us. I gave him a pleading sort of look, and Kiri must've been doing the same because it wasn't long before he just grumbled and sipped his cocoa, retreating into the back corner of the fort.

"Y/n, here." It was Todoroki's voice behind me, and I turned around to see him offering me a red and white swirled cookie.

"It's peppermint." he said, as if it wasn't obvious.

"Thanks Shoto!" I responded and happily took the cookie from him.

We all settled in and watched movie after movie that Momo had been planning all day, from Hallmark specials and sing alongs, to black and whites. 

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