Chapter 46: Beasts Forest

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It was a warm morning as I hoisted my duffel bag up higher on my shoulder and walked through the gates of UA. I rounded the corner to the parking lot where the busses were gathering and spotted Iida and a few others loading their bags on one of the busses.

"Morning guys!" I called out, and was greeted by my classmates as I walked up with my bag. As more students arrived I loaded my bag into the suitcase compartment. When we were finally all gathered together Mr. Aizawa said

"Don't think these will be months of rest for you heroes in the making. We'll push you to go beyond your limits at this camp."

"Yes, Sir!" we all responded, loading onto the bus in a timely fashion. I sat down next to Yaoyorozu towards the front of the bus and said

"Hey, mind if I take this seat?"

"Of course not, please join me." she smiled warmly at me. The bus pulled back and we began our journey as we talked about what to expect during camp.

"Mr. Aizawa has mentioned a few times that they plan on pushing us during this camp, so I don't think it's going to be all fun and games." she said, glancing over her shoulder towards Mina and Kaminari who were excitedly chattering about s'mores and bonfires.

"I'm just glad I passed the exam," I sighed "I feel bad for those who have to take extra classes, but I wonder what those will be like." I pondered out loud.

I wonder if I'll get to see him at all during this camp.... I thought, sadly.

After about an hour, the bus pulled off the road to a small rest stop, and we all piled off to stretch, Mineta shoving past me as he muttered something about a bathroom.

My eyes caught another car pulling up next to the bus as Mineta was talking to Mr. Aizawa.

"You don't really think we'd stop here just so you could stretch your legs do you? Aizawa said, grabbing our attention.

Suddenly the doors of the car opened and out jumped two women dressed in crop tops and short skirts. Tails extended from their waistbands and each of them wore a different colored headband shaped like cat ears. The look was finished off by a pair of oversized paw gloves that each of them wore.

"Heya Eraser!" they started, and jumped towards us.

"Your feline fantasies are here! You can call us the Wild Wild Pussycats!" the brunette in the red costume said as they both struck a pose as if they were on a poster. Aizawa mentioned that these were the pro heroes we'd be working with at the camp and Midoriya quickly started gushing about how they specialized in mountain rescues.

"Hello, nice to meet you!" we said in unison.

"We own this land, pretty much as far as you can see! The summer camp is there, at the base of the mountain," the brunette said, pointing a chubby paw finger off in the distance. I got a sinking feeling in my stomach.

Oh no... she doesn't mean...

Sero and Kaminari looked really anxious as Uraraka started asking why we stopped up here, and I figured they must've realized the same thing I did. We started backing up as more students caught on, and soon we were running to the bus.

"If you're fast about it, you might make it there by noon." she smirked, her claws extending from her paw glove

"You should've guessed, students. The training camp has already begun" Aizawa said as the ground beneath us crumbled and swept us backwards. We all fell off the cliff in a swarm of dirt and rocks, screaming as we tumbled downwards to the forest below.

"Good news! You can use your quirks as much as you want to since we own the land! You've got 3 hours! You should be able to make it to the facility by then, that is, if you can get through the beasts forest." The brunette called down to us from what must've been two hundred feet above.

We turned to the forest as mineta ran to the trees to pee and a colossal monster on all fours with giant tusks crashed through into the clearing, roars shaking the ground.

We jumped into action as I heard bakugou scream "I'll kill youuuuu!"

I pulled some light from my ring and made a long sword, dashing towards one of the many beasts that were popping up ahead of us. I jumped onto its leg, running up it's knee and stopping at its back.

I gripped the dirt clud as it swung around, and shoved my light sword into a crack in the soil. Then I let go of the clud and gripped my sword with both hands, yanking as I jumped downwards, the force of my body ripping the sword down the monsters back, chunks of rock falling around me as I landed on the ground, the beast collapsing behind me with a roar and turning into dust.

"Move it, firefly!" Bakugou growled as he rushed past me towards another one. The nickname was a new one, and I could tell it was meant in a mean way, but some part of me still preferred it as opposed to 'lamp girl'. 

I ducked as he used his explosions to propel himself upwards, watching Kiri run at the monster's feet.

With one punch the beast's leg exploded and my eyes widened at Kirishima's strength. A boom echoed overhead as Bakugou slammed his glowing palm into the beast's face, shattering the dirt monster and sending pieces of rock flying.

"Let's go, Class A!" Iida yelled with determination, and I took off with my classmates to battle our way through the beast's forest. 

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