Chapter 93: Transmission

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The next day during my work study, Hawks started off with

"Alright, we all know Y/n can't fly, but Tokoyami has really been getting the hang of it, so I thought he and I could go on a special scouting mission today as a favor to Fatgum."

"Hey unfair! That's discrimination Hawks, you can't just not include me cuz I'm not a bird!" I said, gesturing to the both of them. "Or are you treating me with kid gloves because of last night? I'm totally fine!"

"Neither, kid, relax. Also, ouch, with the bird comment! I've got something else in mind for you today. Remember those devices?" Hawks asked. I nodded in confirmation.

How could I forget? We only spent like 3 nights putting them in the sketchiest places ever.

"I want you to listen to em today. The recording should be able to speed through any parts without any talking, so you can review the stuff they've already picked up and then move on to the live feed. Sound good?" My mentor said, his wings fluttering slightly. He was anxious to get going.

"Fine, but you better bring back food when you're done with whatever this scouting mission is." I said dejectedly before turning and walking towards the sound room.

"Will do!" I heard Hawks call out behind me before turning into the closet-like office that was a makeshift sound studio.

There was a desk and a rather comfy chair set up in the dark in front of 3 computer monitors and some sound equipment. Hawks' sidekicks had shown Tokoyami and I how it worked one day when Hawks was out by himself, so I sat down comfortably and placed the headphones over my ears. I clicked on the audio file from yesterday, which was the day they had started receiving, and fast forwarded through all the silent parts. There was one tick that was a short conversation, which basically was just two thugs getting high in an old warehouse, but other than that the tape was devoid of any good intel.

I sighed and moved to the live feed, groaning at the fact that I'd have to listen to relative silence for the rest of the day. I switched the audio to the room speaker instead of the headphones and flipped through my phone, laying back in the chair and putting my feet on the desk.


It had been hours of white noise, the speakers only occasionally picking up feedback from outside on the street.

I was playing a game on my phone when I heard a voice over the speakers

"Ew, this place is so trashed. Why couldn't we meet at the normal spot?"

Then another, lower

"I dunno, Shiggy just told us to meet here for some reason. Spinner! You stole my seat! I wanted to sit next to wifey."

I switched the audio back to the headset and made sure it was recording.

Yet another voice spoke, also lower, but with a different diction and tone

"You guys make me want to burn my eardrums out. Shut up."

"Aww don't be like that Dabi." the girl's voice responded.

"Where is that crusty bastard anyway?" The voice coined 'Dabi' spoke.

"Who are you calling crusty?" another voice said. Dabi was right, even his voice sounded like it was dry.

"No harm meant boss, just letting out some steam." Dabi covered.

"Now onto why I called you all here. I just came from a meeting with that beaked asshole. God that guy pisses me off. Anyway, we came to an agreement that Toga and Twice would be part of the Hassaikai temporarily." the crusty voice said.

"You want us to work with the Hassaikai?" A male voice spoke

"Yeah, why do I have to keep repeating it? Their plan has some serious potential, so from today on, Toga and Twice will be Yakuza members." My eyes widened at his words.

"I don't find this joke humorous."

"That's hilarious Shigaraki!"

"They wanted Kurogiri too, but I held out. He's got his own job to do right now so there's no way I can spare him. It's too important. There's an underground route you can take t-"

"What're you thinking with this crap! Stop pretending everything is cool! Why are you letting this beak-faced loser give you orders? He killed big sis Mag! And he took Mr. Compress' arm! Did you just forget?... And it's all my fault, I brought him to meet with you. I may be a villain, but I'm human too... We all are, man! Come on Toga, don't you agree with me?"

The girl's voice spoke again

"The question I've got for you Tomura, is what we mean to you? To me, the League is a place where I feel at home. I joined you cuz of Mr. Stainy, to make the world a place where I can do whatever I want! I guess what I wanna know is, why should I do something I don't want to do with people I want to cut?"

There was silence for a moment before Shigaraki spoke again.

"It's simple. Because this is for all of us. They want to keep the league in check, so they'll try to win you two over little by little. I want you to infiltrate them, flatter them, but never forget, they're beneath us. I'll make them pay for what they did. This will work. I believe in you guys."

More silence before the angry one spoke up again.

"Great, we're one big happy family, can we go now? I've got somewhere to be."

"Fine Dabi, go do whatever you want. Give my regards to the doctor." Shigaraki responded before I heard footsteps and idle chatter recede away from the device. There was silence for a good 3 minutes before I figured they had left.

I pulled out my phone again and sent a text to Hawks.

Y/n: Meet me on the roof when you're done, we got a hit.

No response, but I figured they were busy flying or something.

It was another hour before I heard another conversation that nearly blew the first one out of the water. 

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