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The beach.

Kaden took me to the beach.

It was quite empty since it was a school day, only with a few families walking on the sand. The sky was blue, without a single cloud, and the sun was shining forcefully, despite not being a hot day.

Kaden was so mysterious about the place we were going that I thought it would be somewhere absurd or even illegal. So when he pulled near the beach, and started walking towards it, I was surprised and confused.

"The beach? That was your big surprise?" I frowned.

"I never said it was 'big'" He looked at me "Can you act more excited, please?"

I softened my expression so he wouldn't think I wasn't happy to be here with him. I would be happy in wherever place he took me; I just wanted to be close to him and spend time at his presence. I didn't care if it was on the beach, in his car, in my house, or even at the school. He was here and that was enough to make me happy. To prove I was content with the place he picked, I smiled at him.

"Now you're just forcing" He rolled his eyes "I should have just taken you to eat in my car; that never fails"

"No!" I protested "I'm not forcing anything" He didn't look convinced, so I decided to turn tables "You should know by now my truthful smiles, and if you didn't notice that was truthful, then you don't know me at all"

"You're exaggerating" He scoffed.

Yes, I was.

"Then believe me when I say I'm happy" I shrugged.

"Well, of course you're happy, I'm here" He teased.

"Cocky" I muttered and rolled my eyes.

Kaden laughed and the joy on his face made me smile. I loved seeing him happy. And I loved being part of his happiness. I wondered if that was what Kaden felt when he smiled every time he saw me happy or when he complimented my laugh. I didn't know exactly what Kaden felt about me besides the fact that he liked me and wanted to kiss me, but I knew he made me feel much more than liked. Around him, I was free. I was happy. I was taken care of. I was myself. I was alive.

Kaden insisted for us to go inside the ocean. I told him I didn't bring a swim suit, so his solution was to enter with our clothes on. When he took off his shirt, I found myself drooling all over his back muscles, and when he turned around, his bare chest and his abdomen caught my attention.

I gulped when he started to walk towards me, and quickly looked away, my cheeks flushing from embarrassment of being caught staring. I didn't even want to look at his face because I knew he would be wearing his cocky smirk like he always did when caught me in a similar situation.

But my eyes darted back to his face when I felt him tug my shirt, signalizing for me to take it off too. I gave him a questioning look, and he gazed at me like I was dumb. I wasn't dumb; I was just too astonished to think straight.

"Am I the only one who gets to be stared at?" He smirked; and my cheeks heated up even more. I must have looked like a tomato.

"That's the reason why you want me to take it off?" I scoffed; trying to use humour as a way of hiding how shy I was becoming.

"Well, that's the main reason" He winked and my heart beat faster.

"Shut up" I muttered; but took the shirt off anyway.

When he started to stare at my chest and abdomen with a fascinated expression, like I was some sort of Greek god, he made me feel more beautiful than a million girls flirting with me or saying how hot I was made me in all those years.

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