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Warning: Dirty chapter ahead!


The day was colorful today. I walked around with a smile on my face that seemed to be permanent on my lips.

I spent way too much time depressed, crying and wearing fake smiles. It was time for me to be truly happy. I was going to let myself be happy now. I promised myself nothing could ever make me feel bad about my sexuality anymore. I was okay. I am okay.

Despite what I was about to do not being the most pleasant thing in the world, I couldn't think it was a reason for me to stop smiling. I just had to remember why I was doing it, and then I would be reassured.

"Hey, Leah" I approached her and smiled kindly.

Leah nodded in recognition and smiled back. She was standing in front of her locker, grabbing the books for her last period, and Mason was standing next to her. He waved at me as soon as he saw me, and I waved back.

"What's up?" Leah asked me.

"Can I talk to you in private?" I questioned in a low voice.

Mason heard, though, because he held his hands up in defence and said "Catch you guys later" before leaving.

Leah looked at Mason with a confused expression, then looked back at me and arched a brow, probably wondering why I would ask for Mason to leave.

"Um..." Okay, I hadn't prepared a speech for this "I heard from my brother that you thought that going on a double date was a good idea?" It was supposed to be a statement, but it came out as a question.

"No, I thought it was a terrible idea" Leah said nonchalantly, surprising me.

"You... you did?" My eyebrows shot up.

"Yeah. Don't take me the wrong way; you're nice and cute and all that, but I'm just going because Melisa was too nervous about being alone with your brother" She rolled her eyes, then took a glance on my surprised expression and her eyes widened "I'm sorry. I didn't hurt you, did I? Ugh, sorry, I'm used to saying whatever comes to my mind-"

"It's okay" I cut her off "I actually came here to tell you that I only see you in a friendly way since I didn't want things to get awkward in the date thing"

"Oh" She frowned, only to smile afterwards "I guess things worked out just fine, then"

Leah surprised me a lot since I met her. In the beginning, I thought she was a shy girl who would never easily present a stranger to her friends and suddenly change to an extroverted person. I would never think she would talk to the security to get her friend out of a bad situation, or would go on a date with a guy she didn't even like romantically just to make her sister feel more comfortable. She was very different from what I expected. This is why we should never think we know someone just by looking at them from the outside. Turns out, human beings are quite surprising.

"You know what we should do, though?" Leah pondered when we started to walk to where Mason was waiting for us.


We reached Mason, who was leaning against his locker and going through his bag, probably searching for some book.

"We should just ditch the date and go out with the guys instead" She proposed.

"Peter?" Mason's eyes lit up.

"Yes, and Dane, and Jacob, and Mike. There are other people in the world besides your boyfriend" Leah noted.

"Yeah, but not as important as him" He mumbled.

"God, I hate people in love" Leah rolled her eyes "Anyways, are you guys in?"

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