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I had to physically stop Jonathan from fighting Jack and Brayden once the game was over.

While pulling him to the opposite direction of the two boys, I tried to convince him to not use violence. I said he would be kicked out of the team. He didn't care. I said he would get hurt. He didn't care. I said this wasn't the right way to handle things. He didn't give a shit. Finally, when I told him fighting back could make them come after me again for some sort of revenge, he listened.

Muttering how incredibly annoying I was, he entered his car and drove until Kaden's house to help me pack my things.

We were ready within half an hour. Charlotte said goodbye hugging me and saying she would always be there for me. I couldn't be more thankful for her. Luke had taken his little sister to the park, so I couldn't say goodbye to them.

"By the way, my dad wants to meet you this weekend" I told Kaden as he helped me by putting my bag in the truck.

"Oh no" Kaden stopped moving, looking at me with panicked eyes "Am I in trouble?"

"No" I laughed "He just wants to know you. My dad's pretty chill"

"Just like mom" Jonathan ironized.

"If he's chill as your mother, I might need a lawyer" Kaden told me.

"You're gonna be fine" I assured him "I'm gonna miss you" I pouted, closing my arms around his neck.

"Alright, that's my cue to leave" Jonathan clapped his hands, sliding in the driver's seat and closing the door as he waited for us to say goodbye.

"You'll be seeing me every day at school" Kaden said, hugging me by my waist "And on the weekends"

"I know" I said "But it was nice sleeping with you those days"

My boyfriend smirked at my sentence.

"Stop! I didn't mean it like that" I smacked his chest, causing him to laugh.

"Why not?" He furrowed his brows "I'm offended"

"Right" I scoffed "Maybe you get me to mean that on the weekend" I provoked him, kissing him sweetly.

"It's a promise" He smiled, taking my lips in his one more time before letting me go to the car.

My brother and I quickly arrived home. I was afraid I was going to meet mom once I got there, but there was no one but my father in the living room. He was with his hands pressed against the table, looking down at it while he had his shoulders tense. His posture was enough for me to know conversation with mom hadn't gone well. Not that I expected it would.

He raised his head when heard Jonathan and I arriving, and his expression was a discontent one when his eyes stopped at the bruises on my face.

"Will you explain or do I need to ask?" Dad deadpanned.

"Technically, you already asked" I let out a half-hearted joke; Jonathan nudging me and shaking his head in disapproval. My weak smile dropped. Bad timing, I guess.

"Can I talk to you outside, Ethan?" Dad questioned.

I gulped, nodding in response as I followed him until the porch that faced the garden. I had no idea what my father wanted to say; all I knew is that it wasn't only because of the clear punches I had received. A part of me jumped to the conclusion that he had changed his mind about supporting me; but I shook my head to get rid of those insecure thoughts.

"Do you remember when you and Jonathan used to play football here all day?" He randomly asked me; his eyes on the freshly-cut grass and the high trees behind it. The only thing his gaze told me was that he was thinking about those times.

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