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"Shit, Jonathan. You have no control" I muttered after putting my arms under my brother's shoulders to stop him from falling.

He tapped my chest in thanks and mumbled incoherent words before pointing at Jimmy; who was dancing on the top of the table and laughing at our friend, despite him not being so much better.

I sighed and rubbed my temples with my fingertips, already tired of this night. Everyone was absolutely drunk – except for me – and I was alone. During the day, I had become excited with the idea of spending time with Kaden. It would be basically me and him since everyone else would be drunk. But he didn't show up. Or texted saying he wouldn't be able to come. I shouldn't care. We were barely friends and he didn't own me any explanation. But I felt upset the same way. And because of that, the night was being worse than the others from the other years.

The doorbell rang and Francis jumped like an excited kid and pointed towards the door.

"Must be the pizza!" He shouted.

"We didn't order pizza" I rolled my eyes in annoyance and sighed in tiredness.

Francis pouted, seeming even more like a kid.

"Why not?" He whined "I loooove pizza"

I ignored him and went to answer the door since I was the only one who was able to walk and talk properly. I thought I would meet with an angry neighbour complaining about how loud the music was. I didn't think, in any way, though, that I would be meeting with a half-lipped-smiling Kaden. He was leaning against the doorframe and his smile opened a little when he saw me.

"Hey" It was all that came out from my mouth; the surprise had taken away my ability of speech.

"Hey" He replied "Sorry for being a little late"

"A little?" I raised an eyebrow playfully. He was almost three hours late.

He chuckled.

"Well, I'm here now, am I not?" He looked inside my house after a few seconds of silence "Will you let me in or..."

"Oh, yeah, sorry" I opened the door further and let him in "Everyone is already drunk, so you lost the part where you could talk with them like a normal person"

Kaden looked at me over his shoulder and smirked.

"That's okay. I came here to talk to you anyways"

I averted my gaze to the floor and my lips quirked up in an involuntary smile.

"HEY! KADEN IS HERE!" Jonathan said a little too loud and walked over us with a bottle of beer in his hands "C'mon, have a drink" He put the bottle in his hands.

Kaden's eyes went to the drink in his hands and he shook his head after a moment just staring at the bottle, extending his hand so my brother could grab the bottle again.

"I don't drink"

"Don't be uncool" My brother pushed the beer away from him and to Kaden again.

I was about to tell my brother to leave Kaden alone, because he didn't want to drink and he should stop insisting, but a rushed drunk Jack caught my attention. He basically ran towards us with wide eyes and shaking his head.

"Don't offer him alcohol!" Jack almost yelled in despair "He was an–"

"I really don't want it, Jonathan" Kaden cut him off "Thanks for offering, though" He shoved the bottle of beer in my brother's hands, who just shrugged and drank it.

"You know you can't –" Jack pointed an angry finger to Kaden.

"I'm aware, Jack" Kaden interrupted him by gritted teeth "I won't drink. Stop freaking out and shut the fuck up" He whispered in a harsh tone, but I was able to hear it.

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