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Kaden Prince

"But she didn't know I was recording!" Lisa told me a story. She had a big smile on her face, gesturing a lot to make the story more vivid.

I was smiling too. I was happy that when coming to these meetings, all of us weren't just alcoholics in recover. We were all people, with a story, flaws and qualities. It was nice being treated like a normal person. Usually, I was scared to tell people I had a drinking problem. I was afraid of them treating me differently or looking at me the wrong way when I told them that. It's no surprise that I took so long to tell Ethan that I was an alcoholic. He looked at me in such a precious way; I didn't want to lose that. Gladly, I didn't.

The meeting was about to begin. I was going to win another medal for my long time being sober. A part of me felt like I didn't deserve it. After all, it's not like I was never at the verge of drinking in all those months. I lost count of all the times I was at a party and thought about getting a drink like everyone else; of all the times I stopped in front of a bar; of all the times I had a drink in my hands and pondered about taking a sip.

My mother and Ethan showed to be really happy and proud of me. I didn't know why if they knew I had almost drunk several times. Maybe I was being too harsh on myself. It was hard overcoming an addiction. And, even if I almost didn't make it, I made it. Maybe I should give myself some credit for that.

It had been a long way to get where I am, and I knew I still had a lot to live. In the beginning, I didn't even want help. I was so sunk in my own misery that I wanted to let myself drown. But then things got out of control when I started to present a violent behaviour and started to steal money and drinks. So, my mom had to put me in rehab. There, I didn't want to accept the help at the start. But, with all the therapy and group sessions, I decided that I wanted to get out of the hole I had dig for myself. So, when I came out of rehab, I joined the AA's, since I felt like I still needed some sort of support.

So maybe I should give myself the credit for all my journey until here. After all, I can't change what I did in the past. All I can do is move on and be the best version of myself now. It took me a while to realize that.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket.

"Sorry, Lisa, wait one second" I said, reaching out my phone.

My brows dragged together when I saw that it was Will calling me. I was friends with Will, but he didn't have the habit of calling me to chat or anything like that. Plus, he was supposed to be starting practice right now.

"Hi?" I answered the phone; confused.

"Is Ethan with you?" Will asked.

My heart skipped a beat at his question. If Ethan wasn't with Will, then he wasn't at the practice, where he's supposed to be. And if Will was calling me to ask that, probably something happened. I tried not to overthink, but I was already starting to feel a discomfort travel across my body.

"No... Why would he be?" I said "Did something happen?"

"Jack took a picture of you two kissing and sent to everyone in the group chat" Will explained, then quickly added "Don't worry, it's not visible that it's you there. But it's clear that it's Ethan. He ran away after that happened, and we don't know where he is. He doesn't pick up or reply to any of my messages"

I didn't say anything for a second, letting that information sink in. I couldn't believe my cousin did such thing, but I didn't find any space inside me for anger as concern crept into my body, and I could only imagine where Ethan was right now, what he was doing and how he was feeling.

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