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I was in the locker room, getting dressed after taking a shower. My blond hair was brown because it was wet, despite the fact that I dried with my towel after I left the shower. My light blue eyes were slightly red because I was stupid and spilled shampoo on my eyes. I was dressed with shorts and a basic shirt, not caring so much about how I looked. I wasn't trying to impress anyone anyways.

"I'll wait for you in the car. I need the AC" Jonathan patted my back to let me know he was talking to me and was about to leave the locker room before I stopped him.

"I'm not coming home until later. You can just go" I told him "I'm hanging out with Kaden today" I explained after seeing his confused expression, which only intensified after my explanation.

"With Kaden?" He asked, his eyebrows dragged together "I didn't know you guys were close"

I gulped. That's because we weren't. We aren't. I guess. I scratched the back of my neck, my brain working fast, trying to find something to say.

"Well, we... Our friendship is kind of a new thing" I said, wanting to slap myself for not thinking about something smarter to say. You should expect someone who kept a secret for eight years and pretended to be happy all the time would know how to master up a good lie, but I wasn't the case. Unfortunately.

"All right..." He replied, his eyebrows still together "Where are you guys going?"

Why did he only make questions I didn't know how to answer?

"Honestly, I have no idea" I went with the truth this time "We're just... going out"

"Wow, how many information, you're really helping a concerned brother over here" Jonathan said sarcastically, making me roll my eyes.

"Please, I know how to take care of myself. Don't act like the big brother, we both know I'm the one who always ends up taking care of you"

I didn't mean to upset him. I was only telling the truth, and maybe that was why he seemed so hurt. He was older than me, and he always thought he was supposed to take care of me like Brian did with him. He was a great brother, though. Always concerned and present in my life, but out of the two of us, I was the responsible one. He got drunk in parties, and I was the one who sobered him up and brought him back home. He acted overprotective, but in the end of the day, he was the one who needed protection. Perhaps this annoyed him, and me throwing it at his face made him feel bad.

"Fine" He scowled "Have fun with your ride to somewhere. Call me if you need someone to pick you up" He muttered the last part, not really wanting to appear like he cared after our disagreement, but feeling obligated to play his role of 'big brother' anyway.

I didn't say anything else as he walked out of the locker room to the parking lot. Almost all the guys had already left, and I wasn't seeing Kaden anywhere, so I supposed he was showering and sat on the bench, scrolling through my phone while I waited.

After fifteen minutes, the locker room was already empty and my phone was almost dying, needing charging. I sighed in annoyance and stood up, going to where the shower's cabins were to see if one of them was being used or if Kaden had stood me up.

I could see one of the cabins was occupied.

"Kaden?" I called, wanting to know if it was really him.

"Yeah?" He replied.

"Oh. Nothing. Just wanted to see if you were there"

"Yeah, I'm here" He said.

No shit.

"You wanna join me?" He asked after a second.

My eyes bulged out of their sockets and I was glad he was inside the shower so he couldn't see the flush that took over my face. Oh my God, did he really ask me that? My mouth stuttered, opening and closing like I was a fish. I didn't know what to say. I never expected he would ask this so openly.

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