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Kaden Prince

*1 year and 2 weeks ago*

"C'mon, Kaden, wake up!" Charlie shook my shoulders; snapping me out of my dreams, much to my dismay.

I groaned and kicked him before putting the pillow above my head, in hopes it would make his voice lower so I could fall asleep again.

"Are you gonna act like this, then?" He scoffed.

I didn't answer him, only kicked him one more time for him to get out of my room.

There was a moment of silence, so I took that he did as I pleased. I smiled internally, happy with the idea of sleeping more. But Charlie's voice soon sounded through the room again; a teasing whisper:

"I got us our car..."

My eyes shot open and I stood up abruptly, having to ignore the dizziness of my head caused by the sudden movement.

"You bought our car without me?!" I asked in disbelief "I can't believe you, Charlie. Mom told us to go to the store and buy it together"

"I tried to wake you up in the morning, but you wouldn't leave this goddamn bed" He snorted, crossing his arms over his chest.

"You tried to wake me up how? I certainly didn't hear a thing"

"Well... I got really close to your ear and whispered 'Let's go buy our car'. You didn't wake up. So I went alone" He answered casually.

I scoffed. I couldn't believe him. He wanted to pick the car alone. I didn't doubt he whispered this to me while I was sleeping, though. He probably did it only so he wouldn't feel guilty later and tell himself he tried. The son of bitch wanted to pick our car according to his wills.

"We're returning the car if I don't like it." I stated, pushing my covers aside and standing up.

"You'll love it!" Charlie patted my back, leading me out of the room "We have the twin connection, remember? I like what you like and you like what I like"

"Wow, Charlie" I stopped in my tracks, extending my arm to my side to stop him from walking any further. I turned to face him with my brows lifted suggestively "Are you coming out to me right now?"

"Wha-" He stopped talking when saw the grin on my face, rolling his eyes and snorting "You're an asshole" He shoved me and continued on walking.

I laughed, following him outside. When I reached outside, Charlie had a big smile on his face. He had his arms wide open, presenting me the car he had just bought.

I looked at the car. Then looked at my brother. And then returned my gaze to the car. I blinked in confusion; a sound that was a mix of laugh and a snort leaving my throat.

"You got us... an old car?" I furrowed my brows at the Ford Maverick LDO "Not only old, but flashy too" I pointed at the car like it would make the navy blue color be even more visible.

"C'mon!" Charlie groaned, moving closer to the car "It's unique! No one will have a car like ours!"

"Yeah, because no one wants that car" I pointed out.

"The girls will die to go out with us because of that car" He said "And the boys too" He added to me.

"You need a car for girls to go out with you?" I frowned "That's sad"

"Shut up" He grimaced "Everyone wants to go out with me; look at me" He gestured towards his face "I'm beautiful. Unlike you."

"You do realize we're twins, right, Charlie?" I asked "We look exactly the same."

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