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We were in his room for a while longer. We didn't say anything else, though. We just held each other, because that's what Kaden needed right now.

When he was calmer, we returned to the kitchen to eat something. Luke wasn't there anymore, but Charlotte still was. She had put a lot of food over the balcony, and there were even two plates, like she was waiting for us to come eat with her.

I sat down next to Kaden, across from his mother. Obviously, I had never met the parents of a boyfriend before, so, even if Charlotte was smiley and nice, I was still a little nervous around her.

"You have no idea how much I waited to meet you" She rambled "I knew Kaden had met someone since his first day of school, because he came home looking lighter , you know?"

"Mom" Kaden groaned.

"C'mon, I'm sure Ethan wants to know about it" She argued.

"I really do" I agreed.

"See?" She said "Anyway, he didn't say anything about it, though. Then he started to show up a little worried. And he had these mood swings, or he was sad and worried, or he was extremely happy and couldn't get rid of that silly smile. So that was when I knew: he's in love for sure"

I was about to apologize for letting Kaden sad and worried, but I had just given a whole speech about not apologizing for going through a bad moment, so I decided to stay quiet and keep listening.

"Then there was this day when he told me was going to the beach with a friend. Oh God, he was practically jumping instead of walking when he came home that day. I decided to ask him about it, and he finally told me about you. He didn't say much at first, though. He only told me he had met a boy that was making him feel, I quote, 'happy and stupid'"

I laughed, looking to the side to see Kaden was rolling his eyes. I laid my head on his shoulder, holding his hand as I did so.

"He slowly started to tell me more. He told me your name was Ethan, that you were the most beautiful person he had ever met, that you blushed a lot..." She listed, and my cheeks flushed when she mentioned my blushing "He sometimes told me when he was worried about you, and I thought it was the sweetest thing how he cared, how he cares about you" She smiled kindly "Oh, but don't worry, he always made it very clear I wasn't supposed to say anything to anyone, which I didn't" She added.

"You're exposing me so badly right now" Kaden muttered.

"Well, I'm your mother, I'm supposed to make you feel embarrassed" Charlotte said, making me chuckle.

It was nice seeing Kaden interact with his mother. It warmed my heart how Charlotte didn't care about her son's sexuality. It was certainly a new situation for me, since my mother and I had a whole different dynamic. At the same time, it was good to see how Charlotte loved Kaden. Kaden was feeling so guilty and thinking he had damaged his mother so much, but she clearly loved him with all her heart.

"Good morning" A soft voice sounded by the door, and I turned to finally meet Kaden's little sister.

She had the green eyes from Charlotte, but unlike her brothers, she was blonde. Her hair was curly just like Kaden's and Charlotte's. She was probably four or five years old. When her eyes met mine, I thought she was going to be confused for not knowing who I was. But her expression was more of a surprised one before turning into an excited one.

"You're Kay-Kay's boyfriend!" She beamed.

"Hey, Dana" Kaden smiled sweetly at her "This is Ethan" He gestured towards me with his head.

"Hi" I waved at her and smiled as well.

"You're pretty" She told me casually, making her way to the chair beside her mother.

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