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Kaden Prince

The wind blew coldly against my skin as I walked towards the front door of my house.

My hair was wet by the raindrops falling from the sky, and my clothes were soaking wet. It was already 2AM, but I knew Mom would still be up, waiting for me, to check if I had gotten home alive. To check if I hadn't gotten home drunk.

I wasn't drunk. I couldn't even count how many times the idea of stopping by a bar crossed my mind. I couldn't even count how many times I stopped in front of a bar and pondered about going in these last days. But I didn't let one single drop of alcohol inside my body. I knew I couldn't. I knew I would hurt people if I did.

My fingers were shaking from the cold as I fought to get the key inside the door lock; my curls falling in my eyes not doing much to help my situation.

"Shit" I muttered as I ran my hand through my hair to get it away from my face.

I finally heard the 'click', signalizing the door had unlocked. I turned the handle, careful not to make any noise so I wouldn't wake Dana up, and entered my house. A part of me hoped my mom wouldn't have stayed up and would actually be sleeping, so I could go to my room and not have to talk to anyone.

My will to be alone soon proved to me impossible as I met Luke sitting on the couch. He was staring at something in his hands, but I didn't bother on looking at what. I just wanted to go to my room. It's not like Luke and I were close enough to keep chatting anyway. Especially today's day. If we talked, I was sure we would end up in a fight.

Choosing to ignore my brother, I started to walk towards my room, but I was interrupted when Luke said something that caught my attention. Not something, but a name.

"Ethan Hales" He said suddenly, making me stop in my tracks "Does that name ring a bell to you?"

I turned around to face him with my hands in my pockets; keeping my expression unbothered when my heart was actually speeding in my chest; wondering how the hell Luke could know about Ethan.

"He stopped by today" He explained with an amused expression. I wanted to punch that expression away from his face "Said he was your friend" He looked up from what he was holding in his hands; his eyes meeting mine and a smirk lingering on his lips "Now, we both know that's not true, right?"

I sighed in impatience, not quite getting what game Luke was playing with me. It's not like I was going to get kicked out for having a boyfriend. Mom already knew I was dating a boy. Luke couldn't do anything about it.

"Can you be more direct, Luke?" I asked "I need to wake up early and your voice is quite irritating" I furrowed my brows in a grimace.

"Is my voice truly irritating even when I'm talking about your toy boy?" He tilted his head to the side.

"Ethan is not my toy boy" I said by gritted teeth.

"Yeah, yeah" He waved me off dismissively "Mom really liked him, you know? It was like she was meeting a celebrity" He laughed in amusement "It was a shame he had to leave so quickly. He looked so lost when he left; you should have seen him"

A knot in my stomach appeared as I thought about what Ethan was doing at my house, how he even got my address, how Luke treated him or had said to him, what had made Ethan feel so lost, what he could have discovered, and if he was hurt. The last thing I wanted was for him to be hurt.

"Received a call from his brother and suddenly started to act all weird" Luke rambled "He seems like a nice guy... I don't know how he decided to be with you, though. Does he even know you?" My brother arched an eyebrow.

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