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POV: Kaden Prince
Warning: This chapter contains smut

Ethan was mad at me. Worst of all, we would have to spend the whole night together at his brother's party. Whenever Ethan and I got in a fight, we made up faster after spending some time on our own, reflecting about what happened. But now we wouldn't be able to do that, and it was stressing me out.

"Hey, Kaden!" Jonathan approached me with a smile "Thanks for coming, man"

"Of course I came" I said. There was literally no way I wouldn't come since I was dating his brother.

"Have you seen Ethan?" He asked me.

I took a deep breath before letting it out in a sigh.

"I haven't, actually" I admitted "We got in a fight"

Jonathan narrowed his eyes.

"What did you do?"

"Why do you assume I was the one who did something?!" I argued.

"My brother is harmless" He rolled his eyes as if he was stating the obvious before taking a sip of the beer he had in his hand.

"Trust me, he is not" Ethan was a good, kind person. But he was not harmless. Specially when it came to me. That boy had more power over me than anyone or anything. And holy shit if that wasn't scary.

"Sure" He said, not looking convinced at all "What happened?"

"It's stupid" I rolled my eyes "He found some old messages from when I was talking to this girl, Violet, a short time before we met. I hooked up with her before we even started dating"

"And how did he find these old messages?"


"Well, I was going through them when he was supposedly asleep by my side" I sheepishly confessed.

Jonathan scowled.

"It was nothing, I swear" I tried to reason "I was deleting some old messages, I saw her conversation and decided to read it. Y'know, to remember. Things have changed so much and I don't know... It just brought me this nostalgic feeling, when everything was a mess and we had no idea of what was coming. It was nothing"

"Well, Ethan's right there" Jonathan pointed behind me "Just spotted him. I was gonna talk to him, but it sounds like you need that more than I do"

I turned around to see where Jonathan was gesturing towards. All the color I had in my face vanished.

"Holy fuck, Jonathan, what the hell is she doing here?" I hissed.

He looked confused for a second before widening his eyes.

"That's your Violet?"

"Not mine!" I said in a hushed whisper "What the hell is she doing here and why is she talking to Ethan?!"

"She's at my French class"

"You're taking French?!"

"Yes" He told me "Je souis une pomme" He said proudly.

I stared blankly at him.

"You just told me you're an apple"

"But it was French, wasn't it?" He sent me a smug smile.

"I can't do this right now" I sighed before leaving Jonathan alone in the kitchen.

I needed to get Ethan out of there to talk to him before he realized that was the Violet we were fighting over. I could have come up with something if she hadn't seen me and started to wave me over.

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