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Wednesday 12:30 pm:

Taehyung - Y/N, are you coming to our concert tonight?

Me - Yeah I just got the ticket
Me - I can't wait to see you all again

Taehyung - We can't wait to see you too
Taehyung - We missed you :(

Me - I missed all of you too
Me - I could give each of you a hug

Taehyung - And we'll return it

Me - And I'll gladly accept it the return hug, if that made any sense

Taehyung - I hope so XD
Taehyung - It kinda did make sense
Me - XD

Taehyung - I have to go to dance practice, I'll see you at the concert

Me - Okay don't overwork yourself

Taehyung - I won't bye Y/N

Me - Bye

After sending that last message, Jennie and I walked out to go to the cafè we always go to for lunch.

"Have you and Jimin done the dirty yet?" Jennie asked, wiggling her eyebrows.

"No and even if we did, it wouldn't be any of your business." I said, showing no emotion.

"I'm your best friend though." She said. I looked at her before walked inside.

"That don't mean I'm going to tell you if we did it, that's private." I said, walking inside. We sat down and looked at the menu.

"Okay I understand that, but you will tell me if you get pregnant." She said, making it sound like a question. I found what I wanted and put the menu down and leaned back.

"Was that a question or a demand?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"A demand, duh." She replied, putting her menu down. A waiter came and took our order then walked away. "Hurry up and get pregnant, I want to be an aunt." She said, making my eyes go wide.

"We haven't even been dating that long." I said, chuckling. "And that's what I call speed." I added, making her laugh.

"Okay maybe I'm just too excited to be an aunt." She replied, laughing. The waiter brought our order over and we started to eat.

4 hours later

I was finally home after a long day at school. I put my bag on the couch and went to my room to get out of these clothes and put on something more comfortable. Before I was able to change, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I pulled out and saw a text from Jimin.

Jimin - Hey babe

Me - Hi Jimin

Jimin - How was your day at school?
Jimin - Did you think about me? ;)

Me - It was fun minus Jennie asking if we've done it yet
Me - I was to busy to think about something else but I guess I did a bit

Jimin - What was your answer to her question?
Jimin - And that's good enough

Me - I told her that it's none of her business and she out of nowhere said, "hurry up and get pregnant I want to be an aunt."

Jimin - You wanna make her wish come true? ;)

Me - Is that all that's ever on your mind?

Jimin - No of course not
Jimin - But I do picture stuff

Me - You are such a pervert

Jimin - But you still love me :)

Me - You're lucky I do

Jimin - :)

Me - Oh I forgot to tell you that I'm going to your concert tonight

Jimin - Yayy! I get to see my girlfriend!

Me - You're not excited are you? XD

Jimin - I can't help it
Jimin - I always want to see my beautiful girlfriend

Me - Boy, I'm a potato next to you
Me - Do I have to send that picture again?

Jimin - That's not true and I'd rather see the real you in a bikini

Me - How many times do I have to tell you?
Me - That was me, it looks exactly like me

Jimin - Whatever you say I guess
Jimin - I have to go because we're about to leave to go to the venue

Me - Okay be safe
Me - And see you tonight

Jimin - Okay and see you later babe
Jimin - Bye

Me - Bye

Wrong Number // Park Jimin {BOOK ONE}Where stories live. Discover now