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Monday 5:37 pm:

Me - I hate my job

Jimin - This is the first time you messaged me first
Jimin - What's going on?

Me - I just got yelled at by a customer all because they said I was bagging their items wrong
Me - Like who the hell cares, at least I'm not throwing the items into the bag especially the eggs

Jimin - Really? They yelled at you for that?

Me - Yes
Me - And I had to keep a smile on my face the whole time
Me - Let me tell you this, I wanted to hit the person so badly but if I did I would have lost my job

Jimin - I feel so bad for you
Jimin - I wish I could've helped you

Me - I got through it even though I was fucking pissed

Jimin - I would've got pissed too
Jimin - At least you didn't break anything

Me - Yeah
Me - Now enough about my day, how was
your day

Jimin - It was pretty busy
Jimin - I'm surprised I don't have anything else to do

Me - What did you have to do today?

Jimin - Dance practice and a concert

Me - That must have been fun
Me - Minus getting exhausted

Jimin - Yeah but I got to see ARMY

Me - If you don't mind me asking
Me - Who is ARMY?

Jimin - They're what our fans are called

Me - Ohhh okay
Me - I have to go because I have to work early tomorrow

Jimin - Okay goodnight Y/N

Me - Goodnight Jimin

Wrong Number // Park Jimin {BOOK ONE}Where stories live. Discover now