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Saturday 5:46 am:

Jimin - Hello
Jimin - Hello?
Jimin - Hello?!
Jimin - Wake up!

Me - What do you want that is so important?

Jimin - I'm bored

Me - So you woke me up?

Jimin - Yes

Me - Why couldn't you wake me up in like two hours?

Jimin - I'm awake now and in a car going somewhere that'll take 4 hours to get to so of course I texted you now

Me - What is wrong with you?

Jimin - Everything, why?

Me - :|

Jimin - Don't give me that look

Me - It's my face, so that means I can give you any kind of look I want to

Jimin - Why are you so mean for?

Me - I wonder why I'm mean right now
Me - Could it be because I was woken up from my slumber?

Jimin - Am I texting Yoongi Hyung or Y/N?

Me - Me you dumbnut

Jimin- Who's me? And who are you calling a dumbnut?

Me - My name is Y/N
Me - And I'm calling you a dumbnut

Jimin - I'm a handsome dumbnut then

Me - Whatever floats your boat
Me - So where are you going?

Jimin - I'm not allowed to say but I can say that I'm going somewhere important

Me - Okay then
Me - Wherever you're going, have fun

Jimin - Of course I'll have fun
Jimin - Well I think I will

Me - Why do you think you will?

Jimin - The members are teasing me because they found out that I'm texting a girl

Me - You told them?
Me - Not that I care

Jimin - No Jungkook told them
Jimin - Which reminds me to fight him later

Me - Oh okay
Me - And don't murder him, he's a baby bunny

Jimin - He is not a baby bunny if he's angry

Me - Are you saying that this man
Me -

Me - Are you saying that this manMe -

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Wrong Number // Park Jimin {BOOK ONE}Where stories live. Discover now