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Monday 5:54 pm:

Me - When I'm kissin' you
Me - My senses come alive
Me - Almost like the puzzle piece
Me - I've been trying to find

Jimin - I know you're not done but I'm already smiling

Me - Falls right into place
Me - You're all that it takes
Me - My doubts fades away
Me - When I'm Kissin' you

Jimin - Are you done?

Me - Yeah I'm done now
Me - What did you think?

Jimin - That's a beautiful song
Jimin - What's it called?

Me - Kissin' U by Miranda Cosgrove
Me - I love that song
Me - Her voice is beautiful

Jimin - I can't say anything because I didn't listen to it before

Me - You should it's a beautiful song
Me - And also my cousin said hi

Jimin - Okay I'll listen to it and tell him I said hi back

Me - Okay
Me - I have to go because he wants to take me to dinner

Jimin - Okay have fun Y/N

Me - I will bye Jimin

Jimin - Love you bye

Me - Love you too bye

Wrong Number // Park Jimin {BOOK ONE}Where stories live. Discover now