chapter I

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* lia's pov *

"hey cam!" i smiled as i saw him walking towards me.

"hey lia. hey i wanted to ask you something.." cam asked shyly, bitting his bottom lip.

i felt a little nervous. we've  been best friends since forever! we literally grew up together, he was my neighbor when i was younger, until i moved to la.

but lately we've gotten closer. so close to the point that people have walked up to us and said "you guys make such a cute couple"

"did you do las-" cam started asking, as i cut him off and handed him last night's homework.

"lia, you are a life saver! i'll copy it and give it back to you at lunch." he smiled, scanning it.

"i knew you wouldn't be able to do last night's homework due to yesterday's meet and greet, so i did it for you. you don't have to copy it, that's your homework. i have mine already." i blushed.

cam smiled and hugged me tightly. then he went in to give me a kiss on the cheek and i did the same thing, but we accidentally end up kissing on the lips.

"oh, i.. i'm so sorry cam i meant to kiss your cheek.." i stuttered.

"it's okay. no problem." cam blushed.

i stood there and simply nodded like an idiot.

luckily the bell rang, which broke the tension.

oh my god!! i just kissed cam! i know it was an accidental kiss but oh my god that was a good kiss! his lips were soft, and gentle on mine. to be honest it felt like he was kissing me back? probably not, i'm just imagining things..

* cam's pov *

woah! i can't believe i just kissed lia! i know we didn't mean to kiss on the lips, but once i realized it, i couldn't help myself and i started kissing her back. i hope she didn't notice. we've been best friends since i can remember. i don't want to lose her, but i feel like i'm starting to fall in love with her though. it's been amazing being able to have gotten closer to her these past couple months.. ugh!! what should i do!?


"hey cam! have you seen lia?" carter asked smiling.

"yeah, she's still in the locker room changing. why?" i asked casually.

"oh okay. i'll wait for her then. i wanted to ask her something." carter said nervously.

"what did you wanna ask her? maybe i can help you out. i know her pretty well." i offered.

"well, okay. you know how we've been hanging out a lot lately? like all of us? well i wanted to ask her if she wanted to hang out today...but just us two..?" carter asked, stretching.

"oh so like a date?" i went on, unaffected.

or at lease pretending to be unaffected..

"yeah like a date. i want to take her out to the movies and then to dinner. do you think she'll say yes?" carter smiled.

"yeah. i'm pretty sure she'll say yes." i said, before looking down at my feet.

i looked up and towards the locker room. that's when i saw lia come out with ronnie, a new girl she recently became friends with.

"here she comes! to be honest cam, i feel kind of nervous. i've started falling for her recently and i don't know if i should tell her now or on our date, hopefully.." carter babbled on nervously.

"it's up to you. but listen here, if you hurt her or her feelings, you'll be facing me! got that?" i warned him.

"yeah i know. she's like your sister, and just know that i'd never hurt her." carter promised.

"hey guys. i thought you'd be at home by now carter. usually only cam waits for me to walk me home." lia smiled.

"well i would be at home by now but i needed to talk to you first." carter smiled.

"oh." lia said, quietly.

she looked over at me. i looked down and kicked around a little pebble that was on the ground.

it was up to her. if she truly felt something for me, she'd turn down carter. but i guess we'll just have to wait and see..

hi, i'm alexis, the author of this book. and i'd just like to thank you for reading it(:

and i do apologize for the possible confusion, i am currently editing this book and i decided to name the main character lia, but at the time i wrote the book, i still hadn't decided, there for y/n and lia are the same person.

again, really sorry, and thank you for reading💙 make sure you follow me if you don't already, and vote for the chapters, as well as comment if you'd like💘

i love reading your guys' comments🙈😍

meant to be || c. d. ||  *UNDER MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now