:: thirty-nine ::

Start from the beginning

"george look."

dream waited for the man to turn to watch him before he executed a backside body varial revert. facing george when he landed. george smiled and clapped his hands. dream smiled back at him.

"there's more where that came from-"

dream hit a crack in the cement and went tumbling into the ground. he could hear george's laughter as he fell. he sat up on his elbows shaking his head, and laughing himself.

"don't you dare say anything."

"i thought you said you've been skating for 5 years." george crossed his arms approaching the man who was still sitting on the floor next to his board.

dream waited for george to get closer before he offered his hand, expecting the man to help him onto his feet. when george placed his hand in dream's, instead of helping dream stand, george was pulled to the ground.

"you're so annoying." he shook his head.

"we can get up now." dream stood with george in his arms.

"...i don't like how easily you can pick me up."

dream let go of the older man, letting him slide along his chest.

"oh my god, dream."

his gaze followed george's. they both stared down at his trashed sneakers. "oops."

"what are you going to do?"

he looked up from his feet to shrug at george. "guess i'll wear my other shoes."

"but those are your skate shoes?"

"it's no big deal, i have to get another pair anyway." he dusted off his jeans before picking up his board.

"i'm sorry."

dream wrapped one arm around george's shoulder, starting off into the direction of george's house. "have you ever been on your roof?"

"what? no."

"well then i guess we have a plan."

they walked together bumping hips as they made their way to the apartment.

"did you know that i'm also left-handed?"

"no i didn't know that."

"now tell me something about yourself that i don't know."

dream thought for a second, something flying through his brain he figured not to share with the smaller man.

"there's not a lot of interesting things about me."

george rolled his eyes. "nothing interesting about you? i've never met someone who has ran from the cops before."

"you've just never lived life." dream shrugged. "but that's what i'm here for."


"to help you live life."


dream pulled him tighter into his chest.

"what are you getting me for my birthday?"

"well it depends, when is your birthday?" george looked up at dream.

"tomorrow." dream smirked, turning away from george.

"you're joking."

dream stared laughing. he nodded his head, trying to breathe.

"is your birthday actually tomorrow?"

dream shook his head, taking a deep breath to calm down. "no i was just kidding."

"you're so annoying."

"i am not."

"you are too."

"then shut me up." words were spilling out of dream's mouth at a rate he couldn't control.

"maybe i will."

i like when you guys complain about cliffhangers because sometimes not even i know about them (i just reach the word count too quickly) usually it's like, "huh, guess this one has a cliffhanger"

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