:: thirty ::

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dream opened the picture. the buildup around it made a smile blare on his face. it was worth the wait, and it was even more beautiful then he would've imagined.

george did wear his sweatshirt. in the photo he had been sporting it, in front of a mirror, showcasing how much of his figure was diluted in the fabric. dream's eyes wandered around the frame of the older, noticing his leg were cropped out of the photo. dream's eyes wandered to the face of the man.

george seemed to have just woken up, his hair pointed in every direction, and his face was puffy. george looked at the camera through half lidded eyes. his lips parted, and the color of the sweatshirt made the pink in his face pop. dream noticed how george's hands barely peered out of the sleeves.

dream didn't think that handing over his sweatshirt that night would result in him felling hot all over while looking at a picture of george actually wearing it. dream had borrowed sapnap's hoodies all the time, why did this feel so much different. he inspected the hoodie, it was just a dull green color block hoodie. he could actually remember exactly where he had bought it. it was special in no way, so it wasn't hard to hand it over to george, in fact dream thought it looked much better on him.

as he stared at the picture he remembered all the things that went down when he was wearing it. wearing it while attending a play his sister was staring in, wearing it the first time he took the train which doubles as the day he met sapnap, wearing it when he almost hit an old lady with his skateboard, wearing it when he ran from the cops with george. he hoped george would be able to create memories wearing that same hoodie.

he got a message, 'stop drooling over the picture and get home'. dream smiled.

'how'd you know i was staring at it?'

he stared at the screen watching the typing bubble.

'i can feel your ego inflating from all the way over here'.

dream rolled his eyes.

'when did you take that picture?'

'why does it matter'

'i want to knowww'

'i shouldn't have given you my number'

'georgie :('

'i took it when i woke up'


'goodnight dream'

'waittt send me the pictures you took of me at the grocery store i want to show my mom'

dream didn't get a response, but instead he was flooded with the pictures george had taken.

'goodnight george'

dream left the messages, opening his photos and changing his home screen to a certain picture. he put his phone away and continued his way home.


thankfully dream hadn't forgotten his keys this time around, so he unlocked the door and stepped inside. he locked the door behind himself and hung his keys. he walked into the living room.

"why are you so smiley, it's giving me a headache."

dream smiled at his sister. flopping onto the couch beside her.

"want to know what i did today?"

"only if you leave me only after."

dream pulled out his phone, forgetting he had changed his home screen.

"who was that?" his sister looked at him with a smirk on her face.

"no one, that's not the point. don't worry about it."

she didn't push, instead she returned her eyes to his phone watching as he opened his photos. he clicked on the very last photo of him in the store and handed the phone to his sister, he stood from the couch to walk into the kitchen. he was parched, so he filled a glass with water.

"hey, is this guy wearing your sweatshirt?"

dream spat the water back into the cup. he ran into the living room snatching the phone back from his sister.

"what? your phone turned off."

dream stared at his phone. "...it was a dare."

"what, to wear the hoodie or to set it as your home screen?"


"what about blushing at the picture, was that also a dare?"

dream turned away from her, "shut up."

he started to the stairs.

"are you still taking me to the party tomorrow?"

"only if you're awake, i won't make an effort to wake you up if you sleep in."

"no fair."

"you should probably go to sleep now then."


"i can't believe you're going to make us walk in the cold."

dream and his sister were currently walking down the pavement in the direction of the trampoline park.

"how was i supposed to know it was going to be this cold, and i don't have a car what did you expect?"

"i should've just asked sapnap to take me."

just then sapnap pulled up in his car, "you guys need a ride?"

"yes, finally. i call shotgun."

dream stared at her with wide eyes, "i'm literally seven feet taller than you, i can't sit in the back."

"you can, and you will." she opened the door to the passenger seat and stuck out her tongue.

"sorry dream, i like her a little bit more than i like you." sapnap tried to seem sympathetic but dream knew it was true, his sister was cooler than him after all.

what he didn't expect was for george to step out of the passenger seat, standing face to face with his sister. dream took note of the smirk on her face. he rushed to their side of the car.

"george this is my sister." dream tried to push george into the car, except his sister wasn't having it. she stuck out her hand, offering a handshake and george obliged.

"nice to meet you george, welcome to the family."

dream's eyes widened, "behave yourself." he continued urging george into the back of the car. sapnap turned up the music when all of them settled into the car. dream and george falling into their own conversation.

"your sister looks a lot like you." george spoke from beside dream. "except she's scary."

30 chapters pog, we are currently only 8/60+ plot points into the story

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