:: fourteen ::

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dream overestimated his flexibility. that's the best way to describe how he ended up in the situation he was in. multiple times had he tried to squeeze into the window directly above the sink. this would be a perfect example of a downside of being tall, george would not be having this same problem. he sighed as he again tried to pull himself into the house feet first.

he continued to step on plates in the sink, why were there plates in the sink, his mom would never leave plates in the sink. the noise that was made from the plates tapping against each other slowly drove him insane. he pulled his legs out of the window and stood with his hands on his hips. at least he could stand there and steal the warmth that bled out the window. honestly today was the biggest mix of emotions.

he was lucky, but then he was also unlucky, then he was lucky, and again he stands defeated. unlucky once again. at least it was balanced. he turned from the window contemplating sleeping in the garden until the sun woke him up. surely he'd freeze but his brain wasn't exactly working in its latest version having to slow down to keep his organs functioning.

he decided to sit back on the front step. behind him he could hear his front door be pulled open. he stood and dusted his shirt.

"that was pathetic to watch." behind the door stood his sister with a giant grin on her face.

"shut up." he rolled his eyes. pushing past her quickly to get engulfed by the heat inside the house. "aren't you supposed to be asleep." he removed his sneakers and followed his sister to flop down on the couch. she had seemed to be watching youtube on the tv.

"couldn't sleep." she pulled her legs to her chest and held a bag of sour patch kids. he held out his hand. she placed one single yellow candy in his hand and smiled. jokes on her he loved the yellow sour patch kids. he bit off the head and squinted his eyes at her. "why didn't you just text me to open the door?"

he sighed, "i thought you were asleep."

"well i actually lied, i was sleeping, but sapnap kept texting me asking if you were here, and you didn't come home to finish the dishes, so i came down to see if you'd come by." she nodded along recollecting all the events that led to present time. "and now you're here. without a sweatshirt?"

he smacked a hand over his face. "i have to do the dishes?" that would explain a lot, he groaned into his hand and sunk lower into the cushions. he just wanted to go to sleep. "i'm exhausted." he got whiny when he was tired.

"what were you even doing, you were out late." she reached for the remote to skip an ad and turned to stare at him.

when he removed the hand from his face her eyes were piercing, he smiled awkwardly.

"what?" she looked nervous.

he turned back to face the ceiling, "would you believe me if i told you i was running from the cops-"

"of course." she stood from the couch and walked into the kitchen.

he was glad his sister was cool, otherwise he'd have gotten caught several months ago. when he felt an ice pack hit him in the stomach he looked up to see her standing in the doorway to the kitchen with her arms crossed.

"go to sleep, i'll do the dishes."

he smiled up at her. yeah, his sister was pretty damn cool. "you will be finding a crisp twenty under your pillow tonight." she was really the only reason he hadn't moved out yet, he would seriously miss her in an lonely apartment with a nasty roommate.

"can i ask for a favor?" theres the catch.

"what?" he sat up from the couch scared to hear what she wanted from him.

"me and my friends are going to a trampoline park for a birthday party and i was wondering if you'd take me." her voice was distant from inside the kitchen, yet it was loud enough for him to hear her.

"are there going to be boys at this party?" he checked the time on his phone.

"wouldn't you like to know, weather boy."

he smiled, she definitely got her humor from him.


"so she didn't tell your mom?" george was skeptical.

"she did the dishes for you?" karl now sat next to george behind the counter.

"i don't know man this sounds pretty made up." sapnap spoke from behind the blonde.

dream turned around to roll his eyes. "sapnap you've literally met her."

"oh. then yeah i believe it." he shrugged facing an espresso maker.

"fair enough." karl laughed.

dream rolled his eyes a smile fixed in place. the rest of the week after the day he ran from the cops had been tediously standard. nothing was out of place. he made breakfast with his sister, his mom didn't seem to be worried he was out late. when the bell above the door chimed he looked up from the register to see bad walking in.

"hey bad."

"hi dream." he walked behind the counter and took an apron. "karl? haven't seen you in a while."

"you know me, i'm always everywhere." karl smiled crumbling an innocent muffin that sat on a plate in front of him.

"wait, so bad knew about karl before i did?" dream turned again to glare at sapnap.

"you know, karl used to keep sapnap company before you came around." bad rested his palm on dream's shoulder.

dream turned back from sapnap to see karl smiling at him. he couldn't help but think himself and karl had a lot in common, he was glad sapnap had someone to keep him company. he smiled back at karl.

george frowned, lowering his head to tear apart a napkin.

pretend i didn't stop writing this chapter halfway through to watch the new dream video (check my conversations tab for a thank you)

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