:: one hundred twenty ::

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the blonde could feel eyes focus on his lips. before he could process the brunette's intentions, the space between them lessened, and again, their lips were pressed together. it wasn't rushed. this time their kiss was slow, and it dragged on as they grew accustomed to the patterns performed while their lips pulled together.

as the brunette's hands traveled across the blonde's chest, their mutual understanding that he'd eventually have to make his way back, disintegrated into the air. teeth nibbled at lips so they had a chance to breathe without breaking apart, but their blissful exchange was cut short at the noise of the front door. george hesitantly pulled away, whispering to dream as he sunk against his torso. "now we are even."

george lifted his head to peek at the blonde, smiling past the hair that fell over his eyes. he turned in dream's arms, moving their hands so they rested on his abdomen. as the doorknob rattled behind them, dream was almost jealous of the brunette's ability to resume normality after having shared the most intimate moment of their relationship. he tried to focus on his breathing, but calming down seemed to be nearly impossible with how gently george had been holding his hands.

they knew who it was without having to turn to face the man. only one other person had keys to the apartment after all. dream hid his embarrassment by pressing his face into the brunette's hair, but as soon as he was spotted his gig was up.

"dream!" if george wasn't laid right on top of him, and if wilbur hadn't had as much respect for them as he did, dream was sure he would have jumped onto the couch. thankfully for them, george's glare was more than enough to keep the tallest jumping up and down with excitement as he walked into the room. "i haven't seen you for quite a while now."

george stood from dream's chest and began pulling him out of the room. leaving the blonde no time to answer the other. "have fun you two." willbur called from the room that was already left behind. his misunderstanding of the situation did nothing to help the blush that kept returning to the blonde's face.

the peculiarity of the past moments only started to set in after they made it into george's room. the brunette let go of his hand and scrambled to the head of his bed. dream closed the door but still turned to the brunette with a confused smile. "what was that about?"

george pursed his lips from already under his blankets. a dead giveaway that he didn't want to talk about it, but dream still stared with a patience not a lot of people put aside for him.

"we got into an argument about something stupid the other day..." he gestured for the blonde to lay with him, so dream started to remove his sweatshirt, signaling for george to continue. "i'm the one who got upset, but it was for a dumb reason so i've been avoiding him until i know what to say to apologize."

dream laid his sweatshirt on the chair that the brunette's stuffed cat still paraded on. "oh." he sat beside george and tucked his legs under the blanket. "well that's not what i was asking about." they shared a confused giggle as george waited for dream to pull him closer. dream offered his bicep as a pillow so they could lay together and stare at the ceiling to watch time pass. "i was asking about why you kissed me."

they turned to each other in time to spot the sincere smile that shone in their eyes before it showed on their faces. "you kissed me first," he reached a hand up to wiggle the tip of the blonde's nose. "now we are even."

dream softly wrapped his free hand around george's wrist, "if that's the case, does it mean everytime i kiss you you're going to kiss me back just to even the board?" he pressed his thumb into the center of the brunette's palm, running the pad of his finger against the smooth of his skin.

george nibbled on his lip, "i guess you will have to find out?"

together they smiled in the minimal light of the room, admiring their features that stood out in the dark. dream nodded his head. "i guess so." he turned his back to the other, pretending to sleep and smiling once his face was hidden. george huffed with impatience, obviously having his own idea about how that interaction would play out.

his head rested on the blonde's shoulder. a picture perfect pout presented on his face. "you're not going to check now?"

"nope. i have to wait for the right time." they watched the shadows of cars projected onto the wall, from the only light that came in through the window. he grew concerned when it seemed george wasn't going to say anything else, he never really gave in that easily.

"please?" while his one word response hung in the air, dripping with disappointed undertones, the blonde couldn't help how quickly he turned back around. he waited for george to smile first before he even dared to.

"i was just joking you know? i could never say no to you." he brushed hair out of the other's eyes to get a better look of the face he loved to see. the brunette looked away while a shy smirk pranced on his lips. dream took his face into his hands, pressing a shaky finger to the corner of his mouth.

half lidded eyes met and both of them held onto their enticement until the very moment when their lips connected. the blonde used the kiss to prove he was being honest, so he was rightfully surprised when he tried to pull away and george kept them locked together.

he tried to hold back his smile, but it seemed to be impossible when he could feel the corners of george's lips twitch upward. eventually the soft kiss they started off with ended in teeth clashing with closed eye smiles and quiet giggles. "you still have to apologize to will." the blonde pulled the brunette closer into his embrace.

"i think it will be a little easier with you here."

me and my skateboard are twins now! both of us have gotten ran over by a car. no but in all seriousness i wish it was me under that car again and not my beloved skateboard, now there's a scary ass crack on the tail and i'm 100% sure i can't use it for tricks anymore

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