:: thirty-one ::

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the ride to the party was filled with sapnap and his sister singing the lyrics louder than the music, and dream and george enjoying the company far too much.

"thanks for the ride sappitus nappitus." his sister pushed open the door.

"nice try but you can't get rid of me that easily, i still have to make sure you get inside." dream pushed open his door, waiting for george to step out before closing it behind them.

"they're coming with?" she pointed in between george and sapnap.

"what, you want me to leave them in the car? that's illegal."

she rolled her eyes, trying not to laugh, that would be embarrassing. together the three of them walked into the facility, smiling when they stepped through the door. they walked up to the counter to check his sister into the party. sapnap tapped his shoulder, both dream and his sister turned to see karl.

"sorry i'm late." karl stood behind dream with a head full of pink hair. dream nodded, only karl can pull off pink like that.

"what, you invited your friend to meet up with you so can make sure i get inside?"

dream turned to his sister and smirked. "she's going to the birthday party and we will be here until that's over."

the man at the counter gave them all a bracelet and asked for their shoe size. sapnap and karl making a big deal about dream's "huge feet."

"oh, by the way. karl, this is my sister." dream placed a hand on her head.

she pointed to karl, "i like your hair," then she pointed to dream, "and i hate you."

dream smiled, "don't worry, you won't even know we're here." they didn't come all this way to keep an eye on her after all, this next hour and half was for the boys. sapnap and karl had been practicing pulling dream in the direction of the trampolines, begging him to hurry.

when dream turned in their direction they ran off. "we have two sons now." dream joked to george who was still new to the situation, the poor man almost died at hearing the words. "oh my god, george." dream laughed at the way george clutched his heart.

"i'm going to die."

"stop being so dramatic we have children waiting for us."

sapnap and karl brought them to the trampolines with basketball hoops. he had to physically resist slapping himself in the face. dream was good at a good handful of things, basketball wasn't one of those things.

they all took turns doing trick shots that had moronic names. from what dream could tell, george also wasn't too great at basketball. this was obvious to both karl and sapnap, who begged them to leave after missing practically every shot they took.

"i'm not too good at basketball."

"that's ironic." george giggled.

dream crossed his arms, "how come?"

"you're like eleven feet tall."

dream scoffed punching george in the shoulder, "what about you 'cup pong champion' what happened to those skills of yours?"

"ping pong balls are light."

they kept walking around, dream searching for something simple to warm george up to the experience. the music was playful, playing over the laughter of children bouncing around. he noticed the way george was gripping the hem of his shirt, looking around like he was scared.

"you alright?"

george glanced at dream, then to his socked feet. "i feel like i'm a little too old to be here." he kept his grip on the shirt with his eyes low.

"george, who are you kidding, you look like you're fifteen." dream was trying to be encouraging. "there's not a single grey hair on that beautiful head of yours." again dream's brain got the best of him. but it was worth it, because george smiled.

they ventured around, trying their hand at anything george wasn't too nervous to attempt. they got told off a handful of times for violating safety guidelines, but they didn't seem to mind. dream knew he struck gold when he found dodgeball.

"we need to find sapnap and karl." he turned around and there, right behind them, stood sapnap and karl.

"what about sapnap and karl?" karl smirked, bouncing on the balls of his feet.

"i found dodgeball." sapnap spoke from beside the now pink haired man.

"no, we found dodgeball." george pointed in between himself and dream.

"no, i found dodgeball." the four of them turned to see dream's sister standing with her hands on her hips. "just in time, i hate that i'm admitting this, but we need your help." the boys looked among each other, all of them clueless yet shrugged nonetheless.

"we're doing boys versus girls, and we keep losing. what do you say, allies?" she held out a hand, tilting her head. karl was the first to race over to her side putting his hand above hers. sapnap followed suit. dream and george shrugged at each other and they completed the circle putting their hands in the middle.

"on three. one, two, three." karl counted quickly without them discussing what they'd cheer. so when their hands flew up, all of them made random noises to fill the silence.

dream's sister lead the way up the stairs into the netted off trampolines. dream recognized the girl observing the game, she had previously winked at him when he helped pull george out of a foam pit. he hoped she didn't get the wrong impression.

"are they allowed to join our team?"

she turned to the four and smiled, "i don't see why not." she explained the rules to the boys. "i want a fair game, no knocking out the children."

sapnap laughed and she shot him a glare, immediately his laugh ceased.

they stepped out onto the trampolines and scanned the competition. "can we have a team meeting?" karl called out, already wrangling the girls.

the lady nodded.

the four boys huddled around the girls. "we are going to win this." karl spoke, excited.

"that's what we said last time." one of the girls rolled her eyes.

can someone please explain to me why the word is "each other" but i always write it as "eachother" what is wrong with me

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